
Thursday, September 19, 2019

T is for Treasure Trunks

Booty Boxes, Coin Chests, Plunder Packs, Pillage Pelisse's, Horde Handlers, Stash Stores, [ill-gotten] Gain Gatherers . . . OK, I'm just being silly now, but when you've spent two days writing-up 12 posts on the one subject you get a bit punch-drunk, and I know it's just this post and a single-photo' finale to go now!

Booty Boxes; Coin Chests; Fish Tank Toy; Fish-Tank Ornament; Gain Gatherers; Horde Handlers; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; K&M; K&M Pirates; Pillage Pelisse's; Pirate Day; Pirate Figures; Plastic Toys; Plunder Packs; Plunder Trunk; Resin Statuettes; Small Scale World;; Stash Stores; Talk Like A Pirate; Treasure Chests; Treasure Trunks; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toys;
Grabbed these two in a charity shop back in January, there was a bunch of them, new-old stock probably donated by Official Receivers somewhere as being too small or invaluable a sample as to be worth the expence of sending to a clearance auction?

Real tourist-trap tat; poured-resin in glittery silver and copper-bronze, but when they are a few pence each and there's ITLAPD to think about . . . well; bargain!

Booty Boxes; Coin Chests; Fish Tank Toy; Fish-Tank Ornament; Gain Gatherers; Horde Handlers; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; K&M; K&M Pirates; Pillage Pelisse's; Pirate Day; Pirate Figures; Plastic Toys; Plunder Packs; Plunder Trunk; Resin Statuettes; Small Scale World;; Stash Stores; Talk Like A Pirate; Treasure Chests; Treasure Trunks; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toys;
I think Peter Evans told me who made these figures, the other day, while we were looking at his, but if he did - I've forgotten who it was!

Chris Smith sent them in one of his donations earlier in the year and I believe there is another pirate to find and that they may go with a build-your-own plaster fort similar to the 4M Industrial one we looked at ages ago, but which had different figures?

The two guards would make useful additions to an Alamo setting, even if they seem to have ray-guns! While the lower shot is a comparison with the fish-tank ornament we looked at this time last year.

Booty Boxes; Coin Chests; Fish Tank Toy; Fish-Tank Ornament; Gain Gatherers; Horde Handlers; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; K&M; K&M Pirates; Pillage Pelisse's; Pirate Day; Pirate Figures; Plastic Toys; Plunder Packs; Plunder Trunk; Resin Statuettes; Small Scale World;; Stash Stores; Talk Like A Pirate; Treasure Chests; Treasure Trunks; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toys;
The K&M set's trunk, which I chucked in here to keep the PVC meme flowing on that post and because it's roughly the same size as the other two types here. I was going to dig the rest out and do a bigger post on treasure chests but there's always next year, and no with guarantees of keeping-up the output of the last few years ITLAPD's, it maybe we'll see them all in 12-months!

But several have been seen, the drunken pirate Brian B sent a couple of years ago was defending a nice chest (along with his booze stash!), the Safari set had a nice one with a skeleton draped over it, and there are others . . . small boats, cannons, palm trees and a plunder trunk are the de rigueur accessories of a pirate crew!

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