
Thursday, September 19, 2019

T is for Two - Marx's Mischievous Maritime Men

Just a quick one to make-up the numbers this year, the alturnative was to squeese them into the first post, but it would have started to get unwieldy, and with the two to look at, it makes sense to have a separate quick post, as with the diggers earlier!

Cake Decorations; Glencoe Plastic Pirates; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; Marx Plastic Pirates; Marx WoW; Pirate Day; Pirate Toy; Pirates; Plastic Pirates; Plastic Toys; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures; Warriors Of The World; Wilton Cake Decorations; Wilton's Pirate; WOW;
We've seen the better versions of hard polystyrene Marx, looked at them way back, but this chap on the left (re-issue of original on the right) is from Wilton's cake decoration range, although also issued as a carded Treasure Island rack-toy., he's lost most of the meaningful detail of the original sculpt and his pistol has become no more than a pointing finger, although it has a dash of silver!

Cake Decorations; Glencoe Plastic Pirates; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; Marx Plastic Pirates; Marx WoW; Pirate Day; Pirate Toy; Pirates; Plastic Pirates; Plastic Toys; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures; Warriors Of The World; Wilton Cake Decorations; Wilton's Pirate; WOW;
This is the Marx pose included with the Ideal re-issues in the Glencoe set a while ago, I think we've seen my original (on the left), but Peter Evan sent the other in one of his parcels and I think he may have painted it, although it's got a bit flakey.

That's it; a couple of Marx smallies to look at!

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