
Thursday, September 19, 2019

V is for Vinyl Giants

Even the stumpy ones are 60mm, so 'Giants' is the ticket for this one! And they are all vinyl or vinyl-like softish polymers, most coming from Peter Evans I think!

60mm Figures; 60mm Pirates; 65mm Pirates; 65mm Plastic Figures; 70mm Pirate Figures; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; K&M; K&M Pirates; Pirate Day; Pirate Toys; Pirates of the Caribbean; PVC Figurines; PVC Pirates; PVC Plastic Toy Figurines; PVC Rubber; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Treasure Chest; Unknown Pirates; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
K&M, 75mm the real giants, but as a stand-alone set quite nice sculpts, if only (like their smaller astronauts) a bit 'standy aroundy' in posture - it's like a six-way pirate version of the last scenes of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. They also come with a huge chest full of 'Spanish Gold', reminiscent of the PotC curse movie . . . how we laughed at the stupid monkey!

60mm Figures; 60mm Pirates; 65mm Pirates; 65mm Plastic Figures; 70mm Pirate Figures; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; K&M; K&M Pirates; Pirate Day; Pirate Toys; Pirates of the Caribbean; PVC Figurines; PVC Pirates; PVC Plastic Toy Figurines; PVC Rubber; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Treasure Chest; Unknown Pirates; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
From the rear, where they are all clearly marked K&M, not sure why there is a random skeleton among them, but it's the modern way now; pirates = zombies! I like these, larger 'toob' stuff, they are currently/still available now in various configurations around the Internet, with other accessories; small boat, cannon, flag &etc.

60mm Figures; 60mm Pirates; 65mm Pirates; 65mm Plastic Figures; 70mm Pirate Figures; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; K&M; K&M Pirates; Pirate Day; Pirate Toys; Pirates of the Caribbean; PVC Figurines; PVC Pirates; PVC Plastic Toy Figurines; PVC Rubber; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Treasure Chest; Unknown Pirates; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
These have a history, I bought a set of four (there's one with a peg-leg I've still to find) in an olde-worlde hardware and general store/stationers off a car park/one-way system in a Sussex town which name escapes me and gave them to either the editor of PW or JB, years ago - I mean like 22 years ago - when I was a sign-fitter driving round the country destroying it with the ephemeral shite of Thatcherite-Raganomic capitalism!

60mm Figures; 60mm Pirates; 65mm Pirates; 65mm Plastic Figures; 70mm Pirate Figures; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; K&M; K&M Pirates; Pirate Day; Pirate Toys; Pirates of the Caribbean; PVC Figurines; PVC Pirates; PVC Plastic Toy Figurines; PVC Rubber; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Treasure Chest; Unknown Pirates; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
Anyway, now they are coming back, in dribs and drabs of 65mm PVC loveliness! We saw the other last year I think; in the mixed/introductory post and they are OK, but would be vastly improved by better footwear! The peg-legged pose, who we will hopully see one ITLAP-day, is particularly idiotic with a wooden leg on one knee and a giant clog at the end of the other! Also - I'm not sure pirates had many elephant-rifles!

60mm Figures; 60mm Pirates; 65mm Pirates; 65mm Plastic Figures; 70mm Pirate Figures; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; K&M; K&M Pirates; Pirate Day; Pirate Toys; Pirates of the Caribbean; PVC Figurines; PVC Pirates; PVC Plastic Toy Figurines; PVC Rubber; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Treasure Chest; Unknown Pirates; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
This lot are the smallies of the post at a meer 60mm! They are also rather chunky, lots of plunder and a good ships-cook! I think these arrived just after last year's ITLAPD and seem to be older than the others, 1980's maybe?

60mm Figures; 60mm Pirates; 65mm Pirates; 65mm Plastic Figures; 70mm Pirate Figures; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; K&M; K&M Pirates; Pirate Day; Pirate Toys; Pirates of the Caribbean; PVC Figurines; PVC Pirates; PVC Plastic Toy Figurines; PVC Rubber; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Treasure Chest; Unknown Pirates; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
Size comparison between the three, the black-eyes of 'Shorty' being explained by the fact he appears to be trying to use a piece of motorcycle drive-shaft as a telescope!

60mm Figures; 60mm Pirates; 65mm Pirates; 65mm Plastic Figures; 70mm Pirate Figures; International Talk Like A Pirate Day; ITLAPD; K&M; K&M Pirates; Pirate Day; Pirate Toys; Pirates of the Caribbean; PVC Figurines; PVC Pirates; PVC Plastic Toy Figurines; PVC Rubber; PVC Vinyl Rubber; Small Scale World;; Talk Like A Pirate; Treasure Chest; Unknown Pirates; Vintage Plastic Figures; Vintage Toy Figures;
This was in the old Marshall's wholesale catalogue, and while looking similar to the ITP Imports Pirate Monkey/Toy bank set from a couple of Christmases ago in Poundworld Plus, it is in fact different, although has the same half-hexagonal box design. It also looks to have largish PVC type figures as that earlier set had, and as this post is covering! Both Marshall's and Poundworld Plus - of course - are no more.

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