
Sunday, December 6, 2020

T is for Two - More Poultry!

Hey, it's Christmas and I always do 'other stuff' in December, and I meant to get this up yesterday, as a follow-up to the other one, managed the text, got the tagging done this morning, but only succeeded in finding the time to publish now!

It actually predates yesterday's post and is one of the 700-odd languishing in Picasa, when I titled the other post's folder 'Poultry' it defaulted to Poultry_1; reminding me this pair was there too!

Airfix; Cherilea Poultry; Chicken; Chicken Figurines; Cockerel Model; Cockrel; Hen & Cock; Hen Flat; Hens; Kleeware; Mettoy; Mettoy Playcraft; Model Poultry; Poultry Models; Q is for Question Time; Semi Flat; Semi-Flats; Small Scale World;; toy Poultry; Tri-ang; Triang; Unknown Poultry; Unknown Toy Figures;
I posted a growing sample of these a few years ago and thought it was worth a progress-shot; my growing flock of Cherilea 'large scale' hens and cockerels! Normally you only have one adult cock in a flock, as soon as the 'teenagers' start to look like wanting to fight, they go in the deep freeze! You can de-spur them to minimise damage if they are serving a larger flock in a big free-range setting, but it's easier to just have the one.

Many years ago, and soon after I first joined my father in Alderney we were given a bunch of poultry by the outgoing tenants of Rose Farm and made the mistake of letting two spurred cocks get together in a pen and they tore each other to hell, but separating them wasn't easy and they can do you damage when their bloods-up. And it's not just the spurs, they will be pecking to get an eye out.

Airfix; Cherilea Poultry; Chicken; Chicken Figurines; Cockerel Model; Cockrel; Hen & Cock; Hen Flat; Hens; Kleeware; Mettoy; Mettoy Playcraft; Model Poultry; Poultry Models; Q is for Question Time; Semi Flat; Semi-Flats; Small Scale World;; toy Poultry; Tri-ang; Triang; Unknown Poultry; Unknown Toy Figures;
'Q is for question time' on this one; it's hard polystyrene, stylised and semi-flat with an England mark on the starboard tail! Possibly from a large tin-plate truck or Doll's House accessory set, something like that.

Airfix; Cherilea Poultry; Chicken; Chicken Figurines; Cockerel Model; Cockrel; Hen & Cock; Hen Flat; Hens; Kleeware; Mettoy; Mettoy Playcraft; Model Poultry; Poultry Models; Q is for Question Time; Semi Flat; Semi-Flats; Small Scale World;; toy Poultry; Tri-ang; Triang; Unknown Poultry; Unknown Toy Figures;
A close up of the marking, needs a clean too, I think I've seen these in a pale greyish salmon-pink and possibly black, but I might be getting confused with the soft plastic ones with the heavy-cone bases, which turned out to be Thomas-Poplar and from a farm pick-up's accessory crate.

I'd like it to be Airfix, but suspect it's probably Kleeware or the Lines' family of Triang-Mettoy?


  1. Hugh long time no posts hope you are OK Happy New Year. (maybe a very large amount of sherry and brandy did not end up in the trifle or on the Xmas pud.)

  2. Family bereavement Jah . . . I probably won't be blogging for a while. The fates determined to prevent me getting the 4-millionth hit up for as long as possible!

    H ¦-(

  3. Cheers Jan . . . both . . . I'm not really replying to comments either!


  4. Happy New Year good luck and health for 2021 and good bye and good riddance to 2020

  5. Hello Hugh,
    I inherited a Paramount Red Tractor which I owned for 40 years before deciding to flog it on Ebay. Nice Tractor collector in Germany, never heard of Paramount, wants to buy it and wanted more info on the company. Your page has been a godsend to give him info on other models etc. Great web page you have. Be proud of yourself.
    Keep safe in this odd crazy world.

  6. Thanks for the kind words Nicole and I'm glad you found something of use! Lost Mum in January so not Blogging at the moment (de facto executor as the nominated executor resigned on day four!).

    On the tractors: I think I've ID'd three now, there are slighter differences between two which will be Thomas/TNT and a Poplar re-tool, with the more obvious Paramount copy, however I also saw one in French or German packaging a while back, less well defined detail so clear copy but your customer is probably aware of it; being closer to them!



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