
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

T is for There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens

I was apologising to a correspondent and regular Blog Fan, the other day, for leaving not one but two poultry posts at the top of the home-page for three months (an irony in itself as the fascist Folgor once accused me of only posting 'cartoon mice and ducks' or something similar!), when he suggested I'd have been better-off calling the second one "There's nobody here but us chickens", which gave me this great idea!

I will get back in to posting in a week or so, one can't mope forever, but in the meantime; here are those chickens . . . 

Carved Ivory; Colonialism; Elephant Ivory; Farm and Zoo; Farm Animals; Farm Chicks; Farming Figures & Animals; Forbidden Ivory; Ivory Animals; Ivory Birds; Ivory Carvings; Ivory Chicks; Ivory Cock; Ivory Cockerel; Ivory Hens; Ivory Poultry; Mounted Ivory; Poultry Models; Wages of Sin;

Carved Ivory; Colonialism; Elephant Ivory; Farm and Zoo; Farm Animals; Farm Chicks; Farming Figures & Animals; Forbidden Ivory; Ivory Animals; Ivory Birds; Ivory Carvings; Ivory Chicks; Ivory Cock; Ivory Cockerel; Ivory Hens; Ivory Poultry; Mounted Ivory; Poultry Models; Wages of Sin;

Carved Ivory; Colonialism; Elephant Ivory; Farm and Zoo; Farm Animals; Farm Chicks; Farming Figures & Animals; Forbidden Ivory; Ivory Animals; Ivory Birds; Ivory Carvings; Ivory Chicks; Ivory Cock; Ivory Cockerel; Ivory Hens; Ivory Poultry; Mounted Ivory; Poultry Models; Wages of Sin;

They are some of the finest ivory carving you're likely to see, each pegged to the stand with a separate rod of ivory, funny stuff these days as you can't buy it, and you can't sell it, for perfectly obvious and 'good' reasons, so you can only enjoy the surviving stuff from yesteryear, while hopefully remaining conscious of what was wrong with it all along . . . Trump's Mid-West matrons might still believe in the Old Testament's invitation to us to hold dominion over everything, but it hasn't worked out that well has it?

About a perfect 54mm compatible, the cock slightly larger (but more fluffed-up) than the Britains' ones, it's an odd game of pooh-sticks isn't it, which will come first; the last living elephant or the loss of the right to even own something like this?

Cheers Andy!

One night farmer Brown was takin' the airs
Locked up the barnyard with the greatest of care
Down in the hen house, somethin' stirred
When he shouted, "Who's there?"
This is what he heard

“There ain't nobody here but us chickens
There ain't nobody here at all
So calm yourself and stop that fuss
There ain't nobody here but us
We chickens tryin' to sleep and you butt in
And hobble, hobble hobble hobble with your chin”

“There ain't nobody here but us chickens
There ain't nobody here at all
You're stompin' around and shakin' the ground
You're kickin' up an awful dust
We chicken's tryin' to sleep and you butt in
And hobble, hobble hobble hobble, it's a sin”

“Tomorrow is a busy day
We got things to do, We got eggs to lay
We got ground to dig and worms to scratch
It takes a lot of settin', gettin' chicks to hatch”

“Ohh, there ain't nobody here but us chickens
There ain't nobody here at all
So quiet yourself and stop that fuss
There ain't nobody here but us
Kindly point that gun the other way
And hobble, hobble hobble off and hit the hay”

“Tomorrow is a busy day
We got things to do, we got eggs to lay
We got ground to dig and worms to scratch
It takes a lot of settin', gettin' chicks to hatch”

“There ain't nobody here but us chickens
There ain't nobody here at all
So quiet yourself and stop that fuss
There ain't nobody here but us
And kindly point that gun the other way
And hobble, hobble hobble off and hit the hay”

“Hey, hey, boss man, what do ya say?
It's easy pickings
Ain't nobody here but us chickens”

Carved Ivory; Colonialism; Elephant Ivory; Farm and Zoo; Farm Animals; Farm Chicks; Farming Figures & Animals; Forbidden Ivory; Ivory Animals; Ivory Birds; Ivory Carvings; Ivory Chicks; Ivory Cock; Ivory Cockerel; Ivory Hens; Ivory Poultry; Mounted Ivory; Poultry Models; Wages of Sin; Britains Poultry; Britains Farm; Britains Hen; Britains Chickens;

Late shot - Britains hen comparison


  1. Nice to have you back old chap. You have been missed. By the way, your poultry was delicious. I didn't really miss you until all the poultry had been eaten. A chicken is a chicken, but a British hen is like no other.

  2. Welcome back Hugh.You have indeed been missed.

  3. So that's where the quote came from.. good to see you back.

  4. It's funny Jan - a supermarket chicken can be a bit bland, but my favorite (which I haven't had since about '84) is a boiling foul; an old 2/3-year old, free-range, ex-layer, left on the Reyburn, in the pressure cooker with mixed veg' on a low heat for a few hours, you get this really meaty, pink, flavoursome chicken, like the dark meat on a Turkey but far tenderer and not dry . . . lovely! Although roast chicken skin is one of life's secret pleasures, like mini-poppadoms!

    Harry - there's still nobody here but them chickens! I'll start posting again in a week or two?

    Andy - I had to Google it, but it rang a bell when you mentioned it!

    Cheers all

  5. Je suis content que tu aies été conten.


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