
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

G is for Generics Identified!

We've seen these chaps twice now, as upscaled soft PVC-alikes and as these small 'generics' from Amazon, here, but I was in TKMaxx the other day, so I grabbed the best one by price/contents and shot the other two!
The other two sets, one having two figures, the other having none. The main difference over previous viewing is that we now have a branding, quite an oddly-spelled one; Kimsc Ardi, which a quick Google result reveals to be a common branding on .ue (Ukraine) and .ru sites, with further digging pointing to a parent company in China called Xinyu Toys - the same as the previous XY set, so more confirmation than actual Identification!
The set I bought, because . . . more satellites! These are the smaller version figures (40mm) in hard styrene, and in the googling I've found quite plain versions and those with more painted highlights. Equipment seems to be a mixture of US-NASA stuff and China's own modern moon-shot stuff.

These shots were in the 'latest toy shots' folder following an off-to-storage photo-shoot a few months ago, and show a probably Pioneer (definitely Realtoy/Dacron) trio on the right, a similar 'unknown' on the left and another pair in the centre, I can't recall, all modern PVC-substitutes, with three knock-off's of the Kimsc Ardi-Xinyu-XY figures. There's a lot of this stuff about!

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