About Me

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No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

S is for [Mostly] Seen Elsewhere - Combat Types

So, a quick round-up of WWII'ey or Modernish stuff most of which I've posted elsewhere in the last twelve months or so, but a couple of which are here for the first time.

Afrika Korps; Airfix Paratroops; Alpini; Britains Deetail; Co'Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Toy Soldiers; Coma Alpini; Deetail Germans; Dulcop US Infantry; Four Tanker's And A Dog; German Infantry; Ideal Shooting Game; Ist Vertion Paratroopers; Italian Toy Soldiers Hong Kong Toy Soldiers; Jumbo US Infantry; Kleeware Shooting Game; Polish Toy Soldiers; Portuguese Toy Soldiers; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; US Infantry;
A couple more Polish figures, I've actually scored three lots, which we will look at in other posts, but this pair were my first two of the 'Four Tankers & a Dog', Polish TV/Movie related set from PZG, so they were posted with pride a while ago!

Afrika Korps; Airfix Paratroops; Alpini; Britains Deetail; Co'Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Toy Soldiers; Coma Alpini; Deetail Germans; Dulcop US Infantry; Four Tanker's And A Dog; German Infantry; Ideal Shooting Game; Ist Vertion Paratroopers; Italian Toy Soldiers Hong Kong Toy Soldiers; Jumbo US Infantry; Kleeware Shooting Game; Polish Toy Soldiers; Portuguese Toy Soldiers; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; US Infantry;
Flying West we find this chap (pink) as a Portuguese cereal premium, now, I thought I'd posted these here, but I can't find them, neither can I find any group shots in Picasa, or from the Faceplant Group where I posted this shot, so I don't know what happened to them, but there are more to come (four I think?), currently in storage . . . un-photographed?

Afrika Korps; Airfix Paratroops; Alpini; Britains Deetail; Co'Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Toy Soldiers; Coma Alpini; Deetail Germans; Dulcop US Infantry; Four Tanker's And A Dog; German Infantry; Ideal Shooting Game; Ist Vertion Paratroopers; Italian Toy Soldiers Hong Kong Toy Soldiers; Jumbo US Infantry; Kleeware Shooting Game; Polish Toy Soldiers; Portuguese Toy Soldiers; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; US Infantry;
Heading South on the same continent finds us in Italy where these could be Jumbo, but are more likely to be Dulcop given the lack of paint. I have Jumbo (or Jumbotoys) marked Wild West with paint, these - unpainted - are just marked Italy and were, I suspect, used by both brand-marks.

Afrika Korps; Airfix Paratroops; Alpini; Britains Deetail; Co'Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Toy Soldiers; Coma Alpini; Deetail Germans; Dulcop US Infantry; Four Tanker's And A Dog; German Infantry; Ideal Shooting Game; Ist Vertion Paratroopers; Italian Toy Soldiers Hong Kong Toy Soldiers; Jumbo US Infantry; Kleeware Shooting Game; Polish Toy Soldiers; Portuguese Toy Soldiers; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; US Infantry;
Staying in Italy, and we're back with Co-Ma (Coma, CO'MA), for their smaller Alpini, also available in a 60mm'ish size and various bright colours (white and red in my case), and a vary diminutive '20mm' closer to HO, these are a smallish 50mm and more realistic in polymer shade.

Afrika Korps; Airfix Paratroops; Alpini; Britains Deetail; Co'Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Toy Soldiers; Coma Alpini; Deetail Germans; Dulcop US Infantry; Four Tanker's And A Dog; German Infantry; Ideal Shooting Game; Ist Vertion Paratroopers; Italian Toy Soldiers Hong Kong Toy Soldiers; Jumbo US Infantry; Kleeware Shooting Game; Polish Toy Soldiers; Portuguese Toy Soldiers; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; US Infantry;
Returning home to the UK and we have the shooting targets from Kleeware/Ideal, courtesy of Chris Smith, we've seen them before, and on that occasion I also showed the Ideal catalogue image, but now I've found the Kleeware one . . .

Afrika Korps; Airfix Paratroops; Alpini; Britains Deetail; Co'Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Toy Soldiers; Coma Alpini; Deetail Germans; Dulcop US Infantry; Four Tanker's And A Dog; German Infantry; Ideal Shooting Game; Ist Vertion Paratroopers; Italian Toy Soldiers Hong Kong Toy Soldiers; Jumbo US Infantry; Kleeware Shooting Game; Polish Toy Soldiers; Portuguese Toy Soldiers; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; US Infantry;
. . . which has not been seen elsewhere, so is a 'blog exclusive'! I mean; it's just a scan and I seem to recal it's been seen in Plastic Warrior magazine, but it closes the circle on these, since their first appearance here!

Afrika Korps; Airfix Paratroops; Alpini; Britains Deetail; Co'Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Toy Soldiers; Coma Alpini; Deetail Germans; Dulcop US Infantry; Four Tanker's And A Dog; German Infantry; Ideal Shooting Game; Ist Vertion Paratroopers; Italian Toy Soldiers Hong Kong Toy Soldiers; Jumbo US Infantry; Kleeware Shooting Game; Polish Toy Soldiers; Portuguese Toy Soldiers; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; US Infantry;
Also not seen before, I shot the full Britains Deetail 'Battle Group' while they were on their way to the storage unit, we saw most of them when I cleaned them up a decade ago, but there are a few additions, and they nicely fill a 4-litre Really Useful Box. I've left the painted Afrika Korps officer with them, but he's a bit shy!

Afrika Korps; Airfix Paratroops; Alpini; Britains Deetail; Co'Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Toy Soldiers; Coma Alpini; Deetail Germans; Dulcop US Infantry; Four Tanker's And A Dog; German Infantry; Ideal Shooting Game; Ist Vertion Paratroopers; Italian Toy Soldiers Hong Kong Toy Soldiers; Jumbo US Infantry; Kleeware Shooting Game; Polish Toy Soldiers; Portuguese Toy Soldiers; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; US Infantry;
These two only came-in the other day; a quick feeBay snaffle, you may remember (it's on the Airfix Blog) that my existing bazooka man was cobbled together from a kit of parts and a lot of 'superglue', these two are nice, clean and still flexible, so complete. And here compared with the HO-OO figure.

Afrika Korps; Airfix Paratroops; Alpini; Britains Deetail; Co'Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Toy Soldiers; Coma Alpini; Deetail Germans; Dulcop US Infantry; Four Tanker's And A Dog; German Infantry; Ideal Shooting Game; Ist Vertion Paratroopers; Italian Toy Soldiers Hong Kong Toy Soldiers; Jumbo US Infantry; Kleeware Shooting Game; Polish Toy Soldiers; Portuguese Toy Soldiers; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; US Infantry;
These are just for fun, I don't have a brand, brand-mark or set name yet, probably late 1980's, Hong Kong 'army men', I just love the colours! The same outfit seems to have been responsible for the 25mm clones, where you find the Japanese are commonest, in the same whacky colours.

Afrika Korps; Airfix Paratroops; Alpini; Britains Deetail; Co'Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Alpini; Co-Ma Toy Soldiers; Coma Alpini; Deetail Germans; Dulcop US Infantry; Four Tanker's And A Dog; German Infantry; Ideal Shooting Game; Ist Vertion Paratroopers; Italian Toy Soldiers Hong Kong Toy Soldiers; Jumbo US Infantry; Kleeware Shooting Game; Polish Toy Soldiers; Portuguese Toy Soldiers; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; US Infantry;
Found! They were in a different folder!

Portuguese cereal premiums! The radio operator is a smoother/cleaner finished sculpt - so two issues? And maybe Japanese . . . or generic post war 'army men'?
Apparently they are by/for Farinha Amparo, a flour-miller?

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