Robs Puzzle Page - keychains (Awesome)
...then come back here for a bit of a laugh if you need to! Blows my list out of the water and covers it in dust!
This is the seven existing Jig Toy posts (as at 4th November 2015) from the 'home page' (main Blog) collected together with an import from a tractor post and edited to make sense as a page rather than 7 posts referring to each other, up-comings or past posts. A couple of things have been moved around and the 'master' list has been shoved to the bottom of the page and added to.
There is still a bit of duplication, both the tank and the fire engine get repeats as you scroll down the page, and I'm sure that repetition will continue from time to time as I had new stuff in. As such - from now on I will add bits here rather than posting new jig-toy posts, but the existing posts will remain for those who have bookmarked them in the past.
These used to be common features of old toy, joke and gift shops back in the 1950's and 1960's, Christmas stockings would contain them with little printed-paper 'solutions' and Christmas crackers still have late-generation Hong Kong piracy's, while they became even more common once the Hong Kong contract manufacturers had started pirating them, consequently they now turn up on eBay a lot - usually as Key-rings.
It is through the Kellogg's issues that they are known in the UK as Jig Toys, elsewhere they are known as Puzzle Toys, or increasingly Puzzle Key Chains or 'keychains' due to the fact that most of them - and all Hong Kong copies - are fitted with a charm-loop and tend to be fitted with a key fob, or are ready for one.
As Hong Kong product they were to be found as carded items in multiples in the pocket-money section of toy stores, tobacconists and kiosks, could turn up in Lucky Bags, Iberian Sobres (surprise envelopes) and the like and were available in the larger capsules of 'gum ball' machines.
And when I say 'were'; many of them still are available from several of the above sources (gum-balls, carded displays and Christmas crackers), now exclusively 'China' though!
The commonest puzzles seem to be those supplied to Kellogg's in the mid/late '60's, they being licensed from originals and easily available to pirates for endless copies.
The Kellogg's single-colour, soft polyethylene Jig Toy horse premiums, all missing their ears, but odd-parts are now building-up for a third, multicoloured one!
I mean he is a contortionist now, but by force not choice! And another of the more complicated ones to get back-togther. This is also one of the more penolic/early 'styrene ones, subject to a bit of distortion now. If you get it right, the feet come together to make the hole for the key-chain.
The wagon again, this is probably a Kellogg's one, there are so many differences with these it's hard to know what's what, I have several and the side detailing is different on all of them, so even if the Kellogg's supplier had several different cavities in the mould, it can't explain all of them.
Jeeps; These are probably all Kellogg's,
they actually had two tranches a decade apart, but they changed a
couple of the items, there were six in each set giving 8 to look out
for, always in soft plastic. It is my supposition that they were
produced for them by either Cherilea or more probably Hilco, this is based purely on the plastic type and colours used.
Radcliff's 'Cluck' suggests J&L Randall (Bell/Merit), and I don't know the origins of this information but it's just as likely, whether either supplier or Kellogg's had a licence/permission to copy them from somewhere else is also open to question.
The Sets were;
Covered Wagon
Flatbed Transport Lorry
Ocean Liner
1970 (*new)
Covered Wagon
Ocean Cruiser (same as 'liner'?)
Saloon Car
Horse (of troy?)*
I picked this up at Sandown Park a few weeks ago, it's a lot bigger than the Bell/Merit jig-toys supplied to Kellogg's, and the seller stated it was Fairylite, but there's nothing to indicate whether it is or not actually, so the attribution is to be considered provisional until I see a boxed or carded one somewhere?
Fairylite were importers from HK (and Japan) but also combined, sourced toys closer to home and seem to have made some themselves, so 'you pays your money' with them sometimes in trying to attribute origin!
The interesting thing about this is unlike the others mentioned, which usually have a guessable system of construction with a central 'key' that actually does all the work, this has a serious element of puzzle to it, which seems to be based on the common mechanism of the wooden cubes, balls, barrels and pyramids of my childhood. Indeed you can still get them and they make excellent presents for kids at that difficult age, where kid is not yet teenager!
A couple of years later finds this in the same venue . . .
. . . this is of a similar age to the 'possibly Fairylite' and uses the basic globe/ball/barrel mechanism of all these toys, but with a simpler wedge to finish, age has made him a bit loose now, and he looks more like a cartoon hedgehog than a naughty boy!
Nice surviving box, the mechanism is so simple it's more of a construction-toy than a true puzzle-toy, but still a nice example of the genre, and an early one at that.

Here's an incomplete one (the pointed tip is missing) carded, this Bell would have become Merit at some point and is now commonly available from the piracy pixies of the Far East! Instructions should print larger than lifesize if you ned them, but do have a rubber-band running across them...Photoshop!
The rocket I'm really pleased with, it was not a lot, despite all space-themed toys commanding an unnecessary - in my opinion - premium just for being 'space' toys, and although styrene, I think it's quite early. Like the tank its mechanism is not so puzzle-like, and it's a bit loose and floppy, but for 50's pulp, it hits the spot.
Unmarked, but tolerances are poor so I suspect Hong Kong for this one, it also seems to be complete but the brown bit (ejection lever?) keeps falling out so either I'm doing something wrong or something has failed/is missing.
Bell were a previous trademark of J Randall, who would become J&L Randall upon marriage, at about the same time as the trademark was changed to Merit.
The Peter Pan toys are in Polystyrene - hard plastic, the motorcycle cop is about 35mm, the traditional ball puzzle is also a key-ring with plastic fob, not something designed to last much beyond Christmas day!
I stated above that Bell/Merit went from phenolic plastics to ethylene leaving Hong Kong to styrene (although pointing out that Peter Pan also used polystyrene), it's now clear that some intermediate J&L Randall stuff was styrene as well, such as with this helicopter - lower shots.
The upper image is two of the Kellogg's freebies, being copies of a Merit helicopter and a donkey/pony/foal/zebra? This is missing its ears, as was the one we looked at way back when, as are all my examples and most of those (of these) I've ever seen, it slots/clips into the little chink at the bridge of the nose and is easily lost. I would imagine 99% of the ears that ever left a factory have been found by vacuum cleaners and were sent to landfill/incineration decades ago!
These are all in the style of Kellogg's issues, but two of them probably aren't Kellogg's; the Fire Engine which is a Hong Kong copy and the two-tone car. The other three are Kellogg's. The car was one of the puzzles copied by an - as yet - unknown (by me) Hungarian maker during the days of the Cold War in polystyrene, along with a tilted army-truck.
The car is a different design to those above, while the Scottie-dog is similar to both the elephant above and a cat still waiting in the wings, but has a different part-order to the elephant. The cowboy is another favourite and this is an earlier version, as are all this group - bar the dog, which is a later Hong Kong version.
The ball in one of several geometric shape puzzles you can find out there while the other two are not really puzzles, being more 'clip-together' stacks of parts with a single key-part. The ball harks back to earlier wooden toy puzzles, but with a lesser part-count and simpler mechanism.
The ferry boat comes in two sizes, this is the larger one, both sizes have the same number of parts and same method of construction. The locomotive may be a British (Merit?) original, the other two are Hong Kong in origin and polystyrene against the train's polyethylene.
How fun is this? It's small, looks nothing like a monster, or a dinosaur, and - like the French tractor - has no real puzzle element to it. The capsule is clearly aimed at the Christmas Stocking market, as it's disguised as a tangerine! They also come in Christmas crackers at the budget end of the market.
I took it off the runner and made it up, sacrilege - I know - but it's a mass-produced, ephemeral piece of soft-ethylene plastic shite, of which I'm sure another will turn-up.
Looked at above, I'd also obtained a redder one and the dun-yellow beast behind it (missing a rear axle), only to then pick up a bagged one in proper fire-engine red, so they get a second wind further down the page!
I once saw a monotone carded one at the big toy fair in the NEC, Birmingham, but the dealer wanted silly money for it so I passed. These are hideously over-hyped, over-valued and over-priced, there are literally millions of them out there, and if you wait, they turn-up in mixed lots for no money at all, or you can $26+post for a BIN on feeBay?
Reverse of the pocket-money carded one with instructions. They also come in gum-ball machines, fairground grab-machines, Christmas crackers and any other source of small, inexpensive, plastic tat!
Just as in the UK the 'originals' are credited to Bell/Merit (J then J&L Randall), so in the States Lionel seem to get the credit for the better quality samples. I think that while these are all HK, the yellow one may be based on a Lionel original, while the red ones are lesser quality copies of copies.
The ladder is the wrong way round on the dusty yellow one giving it even greater visual difference from the red one, but it is taller with a bigger cab, better details and has cleaner lines.
By collecting even the odd parts which turn-up in junk lots, you can slowly build further examples, or change the colours of your exixting ones (not something I would do more than temporarily for a photograph) . . . provided they are from the same source and fit together properly!
Currently [Autumn 2015] available from The Works (cubes) and Sainsbury's supermarkets (pyramids and star polygons) these reflect back to larger wooden puzzles (commonly with a lot more sections) that have been made since long before I walked this earth! Made of the grainy, soft polymer which is slowly replacing vinyl/PVC in the novelty end of the toy industry, and supposedly also for use as erasers, they have quite simple mechanics.
Another, this one (top left) finished to a higher standard and available for a while now from Wilkinson's (Wilco), but otherwise the same as and interchangeable with the cheaper-made pair. One wonders, if with only the six given plates, it would be possible to make a much larger cube?
The corners would be easy, the edges would be unfolded 'runs' of small cube's components, the question is - could you fill the large blanks of the faces; so there were no gaps? We need an advanced mathematician, or a clever algorithm!
Another Bell example with card, taking the eight half-segments away actuall makes it harder to do, not easier!
I bought this for my Mother a few years ago, not long before she died, but she did manage it, it was her interest in the origiabl wooden ones which got me started on them! I think I found it in a charity shop, so while it's obviously pretty recent, I don't know exactly how old it is? It is huge - probably twice the size of a supermarket apple, and complicated.
There's obviously quite a family of them, these were on evilBay a year or so ago, and while the tank is biyt wacky, the rocket is superb and the pistol is not that shabby either!
Covered Wagon - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Covered Wagon - polystyrene - Merit
Covered Wagon - polyethylene - Kellogg's 1959 and 1970
Steam locomotive - realistic type, 2-6-2 wheel arrangement - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Steam locomotive - puffa-puffa type, 2-4-0 wheel arrangement - unknown
Aeroplane (twin-engine) - polystyrene - Merit
Aeroplane (twin-engine) - polyethylene - Kellogg's 1959
Aeroplane ('lolly-stick wings) - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Aeroplane (simplified version of above) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Aeroplane (egg-shaped) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Jet Fighter - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Nic-Nak Novelties (Freeport, NY)
Jet Fighter - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Space Rocket - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Space Rocket - polystyrene - Merit
Flat-bed Lorry (Guy/ERF flat-fronted cab) - polyethylene - Kellogg's 1959
Tipper-Lorry (Volvo long-bonnet cab) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Tilted Lorry (Mercedes/Tatra rounded cab) - polystyrene - Hungarian and Hong Kong (Puzzle Top)
Ocean Liner - polyethylene - Kellogg's 1959 (might be the same as the next listing)
Ocean Cruiser - polyethylene - Kellogg's 1970
Destroyer - polystyrene - Merit and Albers Carnation (Men of Annapolis)
Battleship - polystyrene - Fairylite? (larger puzzle)
River Ferry (two stacks) - polystyrene - Best (Hong Kong) and Lionel (US)
Ocean Liner (simplified version of above with one stack) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
River Cruiser - polystyrene - Hong Kong (like Monopoly boat)
Helicopter - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Helicopter - polystyrene - Merit
Helicopter - polyethylene - Kellogg's 1959
Jeep - polystyrene - Merit
Jeep - polyethylene - Kellogg's 1959 and 1970
Tractor - polystyrene - Merit
Tractor - polyethylene - Kellogg's 1970
Tractor - simple clip-together - CIJ
Saloon Car - polyethylene - Kellogg's 1970
Sports Car - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Sports Car - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Racing Car with Driver - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Racing Car with Driver - polystyrene - (Hong Kong?)
Racing Car (large cart with driver) - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Racing Cart (looks like shoe!) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Old Fashioned Car - polystyrene - Lionel (and Fairylite? Larger puzzle)
Jeep - polyethylene - Kellogg's 1970
Artillery Gun (25lbr?) - polystyrene - Merit
Artillery Gun (25lbr?) - polystyrene - Hong Kong (Action Puzzle)
Artillery Gun (6" Howitzer?) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Fire Engine - polystyrene - smaller - Merit
Fire Engine - polyethylene - smaller - Hong Kong (usually single colour; pink or red)
Fire Engine - polystyrene - larger - Lionel?
Fire Engine - polystyrene - larger - Hong Kong (usually single colour; yellow and ?)
Motorcycle Cop - polystyrene - Peter Pan Playthings
Animal and Figural
Cat (in profile) - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Cat (in profile) - polystyrene - Merit and Hong Kong
Elephant (chunk) - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - (Bell/Merit?)
Elephant (chunk) - polystyrene - Merit and Hong Kong
Elephant (running) - polystyrene - Merit and Hong Kong
Scotty-dog (chunk) - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Scotty-dog (chunk) - polystyrene - Merit and Hong Kong
Scotty-dog (chunk) - polystyrene -Roddy (Southport, UK)
Scotty-dog (chunk - scaled-down version of above) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Bulldog (in profile) - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Bulldog (in profile) - polystyrene - Merit and Hong Kong
Long-nosed Puppy (chunk) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Dolphin - polystyrene (?) - (Fairylite? large puzzle)
Owl - polystyrene - Hungarian
Smook (printed face) - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - (US make?)
Duck/Penguin (small beak) - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Duck (large beak) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Horse/Donkey/Pony/Zebra (..of Troy?) - polyethylene - Kellogg's 1970
Cowboy on Bucking Bronco - polystyrene - US make and Hong Kong
Indian on Bucking Bronco - polystyrene - US make and Hong Kong
Indian on Standing Horse - polystyrene - Hong Kong (Chemtoy)
Cowgirl on Trotting Horse - polystyrene - US make and Hong Kong
Cowboy/Mexican on chunky horse - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - (Bell/Merit?)
Cowboy/Mexican on chunky horse (with pigs head/face) - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin (US make?)
Cowboy/Mexican on chunky horse - Hong Kong
Baseball Hitter / Baseball Player - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Wrestler - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit (and US make?)
Wrestler - polystyrene - Merit and Hong Kong (and US make?)
Wrestler (scaled-down version of above) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Robot - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Monster/Dinosaur - polyethylene, small - Christmas crackers
Ray Gun (side-arm with telescopic sights) - polystyrene - Merit
Ray Gun (egg/rocket-shaped side-arm) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Ray Gun (really fat side-arm) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Ray Gun (clear sleeve over barrel, side-am) - polystyrene - Hong Kong (in capsule egg)
Ray gun (rifle) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Tommy Gun (Thompson SMG) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Revolver / 6-gun- cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Revolver / 6-gun - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Geometric and Other Objects
Pyramid - hybrid synthetic rubber - Sainsbury's
Polygonal 'Star' shape - hybrid synthetic rubber - Sainsbury's
Cube - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Cube - hybrid synthetic rubber - The Works
Ball (large) - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Ball (small, on lucky-horseshoe key-chain) - polystyrene - Peter Pan Playthings
Ball (small, on metal key-chain) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Football (as above but sections arranged in football 'patches') - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Heart Shape - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Rugby Ball - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Egg - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Bowling Pin - polystyrene - Hong Kong
Bell - polystyrene - Bell/Merit
Bell - polystyrene - Hong Kong?
Pressing Iron / Steam iron - cellulose acetate/phenolic resin - Bell/Merit
Puzzle Puzzles (not really Jig-toys as they are sealed-units)
Rubik's Cube (3x3x3 cubes) - polystyrene - Hong Kong and Hungary
Rubik's Triple (3 in-line cubes) -polystyrene - Hong Kong and Hungary
Rubik's Drum - polystyrene - Hong Kong and Hungary
Rubik's Mini-Babylon (sliding balls) - polystyrene - Hong Kong and Hungary ('Magic Tower')
Ball (spherical version of Rubik's cube) - polystyrene - Hong Kong
[Additions to the above list always gratefully received and credited to source]
Kellogg's Cornflakes 1959
Kellogg's Frosties 1960
Kellogg's Frosties 1970
Only one or two of these (following collage) are mine, the rest are hoovered-off the Internet for the archive, while they were all copyright-free or lacking any obvious copyright, I present them for research purposes, small, and cut-up to help you with the above list, not to be of commercial use to anyone.
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