About Me

My photo
No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

C is for Clarification or Correction

In the Blue Box farm post the other day I stated that the blow-moulded rock formation was stolen from Starlux, but on Saturday at the Birmingham Toy Soldier Show, this turned-up, and it's not Starlux!

It is - in fact - Elastolin by Hausser, and a composition piece aimed at 70mm figures from the 1930's/50's. This doesn't mean there wasn't a similar Starlux piece, but I think this may be the piece I was thinking of, so here delivered for a full comparison!

Original Here

G is for Guardsman Guards Gametes!

All he's waiting on now are some toasted soldiers - brown bread...but not dead!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

S is for Soldiers in Society

Let's get the sad news out of the way first;

Big Tex 'Bought-it'

Then we'd better get the 'Adult' stuff dealt with;

Chen-yang Wang (Artist)

Don't click on the image/link if you are easily shocked, a prude, or in some other way tied to religious mores or small-mindedness of some variety...it's art, apparently!

Meanwhile Scott B. Leach has got some of his cartoons on to Penn's Sunday School;

Atheist Toy Soldiers

We've seen a coloured 'Flag' - here's a Black & White version;

Valerie Leonard

This on the other hand seems a bit silly;

Chocolate from Stephen J Shanabrook

Friday, October 19, 2012

News, Views Etc...Shows and an Auction


Speaking of Vectis (as I was earlier today in the PW149 post) and of the hand-painted Marx Miniature Masterpice items kicking around the hobby a few years ago seems to have been quite timely, as the regular 'Please buy our Olympic shite' eMail from Airfix-call-me-Hornby arrived today with news of a Vectis auction, which is to include some early Airfix archive material.

To be honest, I could only find one item of any interest, a James Bond Autogyro, and they're not that rare. there is some nice original artwork for sale, but with a ready-made 25lbr being described as 'very rare' (loose, mind!) the cataloguing needs to be taken with a pinch of salt!

Auction Listings Here

of more interest is that in the section on 'Plastic Issues - Connoisseur Selection' there are two of the hand-painted Marx sets up for offer...far more interesting than bog-standard kits!!



Peter of PB Toys has dropped me a line and reminded me that his Autumn [Kunststoffiguren Börse] plastic soldier show in Herne, Germany is fast approching, full details will be on his site...

Details Here

...but the address for your diary's is 04/11/2012, or two weeks this Sunday.


Which means that a week this Sunday will be Dave McKenna's show in Birmingham, details will be the same as previous years, but the basics are;

When - Sunday 28th October 2012.
Where - Clarendon Suite, 2 Stirling Road, Edgbaston.

F is for Farm, Farmers, Farming

So to the last of the Blue Box articles for a while, these are - like most of BB's production - taken from a number of sources, including Corgi, Dinky, Britains and Starlux, and my sample is pretty small consisting of the contents of a much-mashed Blue Box 'Home Farm' in the larger scale. Missing most animals and probably some accessories, it therefore looks mainly at the figures and vehicles.

The combined-harvester and bucket-mounted tractor will be copied from die-casts in the larger size (Corgi or Dinky?) and come with two slightly different drivers, the tractor driver is a lift from Corgi, I don't know for sure where the combine operator is taken from.

The calf is also a Corgi item which we looked at the other day I think? If we didn't we soon will. I'm not sure where the lorry is stolen from, I think it may be a Blue Box cut-n-shut with the Corgi trailer and a different push-and-go cab-unit?

Although looking a bit Britains'y, the cart may be based on one of the smaller makes such as Barratt or Taylor? but the figures come straight from Britains oeuvre, and we again find both based versions and the plug-in base we've been encountering through all the recent Blue Box posts. I particularly like the card load!

These do seem to be unique to Blue Box Triang Spot-On - see comments. Blow-moulded farmhouse (upper two shots) and barn (lower pair) with front and back views of both, these were also included in the small-scale versions of the various Home Farm boxed sets.

More blow-moulding including the copies of the Starlux* rocky outcrops (bottom left), sacks (scaled-up from the Corgi elevator sets, two hay-ricks of indeterminate origin (due to my ignorance - Britains hollow-casts? Triang Spot-On again) and - in injection ethylene - the fence panels taken from Britains and copied by just about everyone in Hong Kong who ever issued a set of farm or zoo animals...and quite a few found themselves in bags of toy soldiers!

* 31/10/2012 - I'm sure I've seen these as Starlux mouldings in their usual dense plastic, however I tracked down the original at the Birmingham show, this weekend just gone, and it's Elastolin, so I may be wrong on the Starlux thing?

Update Here

C is for Chad Valley

One of the older names in British manufacturing they were formed in 1823, but would not get round to making toys until after the second World War, having purchased Burnett Ltd., (Ubilda) just as war was declared!

Chad Valley ceased to trade in 1978 with the name being purchased by Woolworth's in the 1990's (?), where amongst other products issued as that brand were some re-boxed Corgi play-sets! I don't know what happened to the name when Woolworth's folded in 2008/9, but presumably it has been acquired or is on some claimants negotiation-list with the receivers!

These are probably the item they are most known for among Toy Soldier enthusiasts, and I believe there was quite a range, mostly of ceremonial/parade type subjects. The two foot figures are almost certainly from another (Light Infantry/Rifles?) set of foot figures, and a mounted figures is missing, probably facing to the right as you look at the box, and maybe a Lancer, Horse-guard in blue or RHA...I'm just guessing now, with a little help from the box-lid!

News, Views etc...Plastic Warrior 149

The latest - larger size - issue of Plastic Warrior has come out and is full of all the usual interesting stuff, which this issue are;

* An article on the tie-in between Daz soap powder and Crescent by Gerald Edwards
* Swoppet ACW overview from Karl James (which very much adds to this Swoppets Article)
* Tom Stark reviews the output of Heritage Toy Figures.
* The introduction on a forthcoming set of articles about Linde Wild West figures and their 'relationship/s' with Elastolin/Huasser, Jean and Frank ('Muckefuck' - no...you'll have to read the article!), brought to us by Andreas Dittmann - who has helped me many times in the past and is a fount-of-all-knowledge when it comes to German (and wider European) production.
* A report by Michael Maughan on the new Toy Soldier museum at Silloth, Cumbria
* Vectis Aution Reports covering rareish boxed sets by Britians, Timpo and Cherilea
* Herald ethnic dancers by Daniel Morgan
* The Dewars and Johnny Walker figures from Marx with the 'missing' figure found by Mark Hegeman 
* Fred Barratt show Boxer Rebellion conversions form Mike Blake
* Men of '76 from Kent Sprecher of ToysoldierHQ fame.
* What the !&*$? has a poser on Huskies (dogs not toy cars!)
* Book reviews
* Coverage of other new products from
- HaT Industrie
- Victrix
* Plus all the usual small-ads, news, views and letters on figures from around the world (Eagalwall [Dan Dare], Goodman [Cherilea copies] and LJN), a follow up on rocket-launchers from the last issue and more Russian figures (Publius and Basevich),with  a Cherilea shot on the front cover.

And the next issue will be the 150th!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

T is for Thompson

Following on from the Charbens/Skybirds post last night, here is an actual refueller, this is the Thompson Brothers Mk Vc Aircraft Refueller as used by the RAF in World War II, and these photographs were taken in 2008 at Beltring, shortly before the beast was sold to a museum; Yorkshire Air Museum

Four-view images for anybody who'd like to try drawing it up for scratch-building, the simple shape actually lends itself to resin, should anyone feel there'd be a market for such a model?

A couple of three-quarter views and some other shots, I must say I was rather taken with it, it's not what you'd expect to see down the local High Street, but why not!

C is for Charbens

You may remember a while ago when I was looking at Skybirds figures (S is for Skybirds) and accessories, I mentioned that they might have bought some of their bits in, as the searchlight they used was the same as a truck-mounted one on another makers slush-cast lorry?

Well - this is the lorry I was talking about, I believe it is Charbens, and you can see that the searchlight is the same as the Skybirds one. Charbens would go on to use a Die-casting process with a mazak type alloy/compound, and the two lower shots are of later mini-scale vehicles from that range.

While mentioning Skybirds, here are a few more shots, courtesy of Mercator Trading who were carrying them at a recent show. We've seen a better tanker-refueller (also thanks to Adrian - I seem to recall!) but the 'under-wing' refueller is new to the blog and a harder model to get hold of.

The boxed set of figures is also really nice, I'm not sure how you are supposed to differentiate between the officers and NCO's though, there are only two poses in the box?

K is for Knights

So to the second to last post on larger scale Blue Box (for a year or two?!!), and a quick look at the mediaevals, these are all piracies of other peoples best efforts and it makes you wonder how they ended-up with such relatively unique stuff in the WWII range when everything else was so clearly plagiarised!! 

The foot figures; top left are taken from Jean in Germany and the set on the right are all a mix of Elastolin and Merten (? see comments!) poses; also Germany, these don't appear to have run together, and certainly I've never seen a boxed set of mixed examples, but they are all of an age and era where they all look as old as each other. I suspect the Merten copies came first and the Jean pirates followed?

I've not found Merten cavalry copies, but the Jean-lifted sets do contain the chaps illustrated above, mostly (like a couple of the foot figures) using the wrong end of a stumpy lance...to point the way? The horse is also ex-Jean and those of you who recall the Cowboy post (Blue Boxes) a while back will recognise from the painting and the plastic style (and the 'donor' maker!) that these are contemporary with the Wild West range.

They also had two generations of siege-engine, and for a complete change they are copied from two three other western manufacturers! The one at the top and the red one being a copy of the Lone*Star die-cast and seemingly issued with the Merten rip-offs, while the Jean clones got the lower brown machine which is a copy of the Marx catapult, and the red, Crescent knock-off. (2024 - Thanks to Colin Penn and Peter Evans for the Crescent clear-up)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

T is for Tags

For those not used to Blogger, the  'index' to the right of the page, about half-way down allows you to find similar posts by their content, just click on the label (word) that best suits you search needs. I have tried to label by

- Country of origin of toy
- Country represented by toy
- Maker
- Material
- Scale/Size/Ratio
- Era represented by toy
- Whether subject is civil/military
- Other 'themes'

Re-annotating the index is still an ongoing project, in the meantime to save on space (there is a limit on the number of characters and the numer of labels) I have started using abbreviations, which are as follows:

- AFV = Armoured Fighting Vehicle
- Plymr. = Polymer (type of plastic)
- NTS = Non Toy Soldier (subject matter)
- Gdn. = Garden/Gardening (subject matter)
- Flwrs. - Flowers (subject matter)

All other abbreviations are part of the recognised name of a company or organisation.

I've reproduced the 'tag' list/index here to have a play, this will become dated though! Also when I first published it four hours ago [Yesterday!] it was about a mile long due to hidden coding which meant something else outside of the normal sidebar and produced yards of 'space' so I've cleaned it up a bit, corrected a couple of errors and taken the brackets out - they are to be found in the full version and tell you how many articles with that index 'tag' there are.

  • 1 Ton Humber Mini Trucks
  • 12
  • 12 to Midnight
  • 12" Figures
  • 1320 Incorporated 
  • 1:1 Scale
  • 1:100
  • 1:1200
  • 1:144
  • 1:16
  • 1:32
  • 1:35
  • 1:48
  • 1:64
  • 1:65
  • 1:75
  • 1:76 - 1:72
  • 1:87 - HO
  • 1:9
  • 1:Micro-scale
  • 1:Mixed Scales
  • 1:No scale
  • 1:Unknown
  • 2000AD
  • 20mm
  • 21st Century Toys
  • 25mm
  • 28mm
  • 3
  • 3-D Contours
  • 3-D Miniatures
  • 30mm
  • 35mm
  • 3D
  • 3D Licensing
  • 3M
  • 4
  • 4-Mil Models
  • 40mm
  • 45mm
  • 4DMaster
  • 503 Inf.
  • 50mm
  • 54mm
  • 60mm
  • 65mm
  • 70mm
  • 80mm
  • A
  • A Call To Arms
  • A Team
  • ABC
  • Aberrant Games
  • Accoutrements
  • Accurate
  • Ackerman
  • ACTA
  • Action Fleet
  • Action Man
  • ACW
  • Adult
  • Adventure 2000
  • After Private Eye - NTS
  • After-market
  • AFV's
  • AFV; AA/Flak
  • AFV; Amphib.
  • AFV; Amrd. Car
  • AFV; Engineer
  • AFV; Half-track
  • AFV; Jeep 
  • AFV; M/Cycle
  • AFV; SPG
  • AFV; Staff Car
  • AFV; Tank
  • AFV; Tk. Transport
  • AFV; Truck
  • Aircraft
  • Airfix
  • Airfix-MPC
  • Airforce - Airforces
  • AJ's
  • Alby
  • Alemany
  • Almark
  • Alni
  • Alymer
  • America - NTS
  • America
  • Americana
  • Anchor
  • Ancient
  • Animals
  • Animate Toys
  • Arabs
  • Archie McFee
  • Archive
  • Archiving
  • Arco-Argo
  • Ariel
  • Arii
  • Aristo-craft
  • Aristocats
  • Armed Forces - NTS
  • Armtec
  • Arnold - Rapido
  • Art
  • Artillery
  • Artist; Dan Cohen
  • Artist; Joe Black
  • Artist; Kris Kuksi
  • Artist; Tim Rietenbach
  • Artist; Valerie Leonard
  • Ashford Mouldings
  • Atlantic
  • Attack Force
  • Auction News
  • Aurora
  • Authenticast
  • AV - NTS
  • Avalon Hill
  • AWI
  • B
  • B J Ward - Wardie
  • Badges
  • Baking Soda Toys
  • Baks
  • Bamfords
  • Band
  • Bandai
  • Bankers - NTS 
  • Banner
  • Baravelli
  • Barvaria
  • Batman and Robin
  • Battle Kings
  • Battle Links
  • Battle-Ho-Rama
  • Battle-Space
  • Battleground
  • BBC - NTS
  • Beeju
  • Bell
  • Bellona
  • Ben10
  • Benbros
  • Bergan
  • Berger
  • Berlin Wall
  • Best Toy Ever?
  • Beterwear
  • Beton
  • Better Novelties Inc.
  • Biblical
  • Birds
  • Blockmen
  • Blogger
  • Blue Box
  • Bluebird
  • BMC
  • BMC (US Plymr)
  • Board Game Pieces
  • Board games
  • Bonbon Buddies
  • Bonitos
  • Bonux
  • Books
  • Boxed
  • Brent
  • Brevete SGDG
  • Bridge
  • Brimtoy
  • Britains
  • British
  • British Makes
  • Buck Rogers
  • Budgie
  • Building
  • Building blocks
  • Bully Heimo
  • BuM
  • Burger King
  • Buried Treasure
  • Byra Products
  • C
  • Cacti
  • Cadbury's
  • Camberwick Green
  • Cameo Guild
  • Cane
  • Canuck Decals
  • Capri
  • Caps
  • Captain Scarlet
  • Cardboard
  • Carded
  • Carlton Toys
  • Cathie Pilkington
  • Cavalry
  • Cavendish
  • Cecil Coleman
  • Cellulose Acetate
  • Ceramic
  • Ceramics
  • Ceremonial
  • CH
  • Chad Valley
  • Character Options
  • Charbens
  • Chariots
  • Cherilea
  • Chess
  • China
  • Chinese Producer
  • Chocolate
  • Christmas
  • Christmas Baubles - NTS
  • Christmas Cracker Toys
  • Circus
  • Citadel
  • Civilian
  • Cleriet
  • Clothing
  • CM
  • CMV
  • Cobi
  • Code Zero
  • Codeg
  • Cofalu
  • Cold War
  • Collecting
  • Colonial
  • Coma
  • Comet
  • Comic Book Flats
  • Comics
  • Commansi
  • Commerce - NTS
  • Commonwealth Plastics
  • Composition
  • Composition; Confectionery
  • Composition; Plaster
  • Computing - NTS
  • Conquistadors
  • Construction Toy
  • Conversion
  • Cooper Craft
  • Corgi
  • Corinthian
  • Country Life
  • Cowan - de Groot
  • Cracker Toys
  • Craft Foods
  • Craft-work
  • Crane
  • Credit Crunch - NTS
  • Crescent
  • Crest Reproductions
  • Cricketers
  • Cromoplasto
  • Crong
  • Crusoe
  • CTS
  • Cubix
  • Culpitts
  • Cultural
  • D
  • Dairylea
  • Daleks
  • Dapol
  • Dark Dream Studios
  • Darkson Designs
  • Dave Grossman
  • DCMT
  • DDS
  • DeAgostini
  • Decorations
  • Decorations - Cake
  • Defence Works
  • Del Prado
  • Deluxe Reading
  • Denis Fisher
  • Denkmeier and Fischer
  • Dentistry - NTS
  • Designs
  • Detail
  • Diapet
  • Dibro
  • Die-cast Access.
  • Diener
  • Dime Store
  • Dimensions For Children - DFC
  • Dimestore Dreams
  • Dinky
  • Dinky - France
  • Dinosaurs
  • Disney
  • Disney - Peter Pan
  • Disney - Robin Hood
  • Disney - Toy Story
  • Divers
  • Dixon-Manning
  • Doll's House Accs
  • Don Bowles
  • Dongguan
  • Douglas Miniatures
  • Dr. Who
  • Dregeno
  • Drevopodnik
  • DRG
  • Dublo
  • Dulcop
  • Dunkin
  • Dyna-Mo
  • E
  • Earthenware
  • Eastern Block
  • eBay
  • Economics - NTC
  • Edible
  • Edizioni Storiche Europa
  • Edward Ryan
  • Efka
  • Eidai
  • Einco
  • EKO-Eko-Echo Spain
  • Elastolin
  • Eldon
  • Elephants
  • Elmont
  • Emhar
  • Empire Made
  • Engineers
  • England's Fairy Toys
  • Enviroment - NTS
  • Ephemera
  • Eriksson
  • Erzgebirge
  • Esci
  • Espewe
  • Evolution
  • Exin
  • F
  • F.G.Taylor
  • Fabrics
  • Fairylite
  • Faller
  • Fantasy
  • Fantasyland
  • FANY
  • Farm
  • Faux
  • Ferrero
  • Festival
  • Feudal
  • FFL
  • Fir Cones - NTS
  • Firemen
  • Fireworks
  • First
  • Fisher-Price
  • Flats
  • Flintstones
  • Flwrs. - Aconite
  • Flwrs. - Crocus
  • Flwrs. - Daffodil / Narcissus
  • Flwrs. - Fritillaries
  • Flwrs. - Magnolia
  • Flwrs. - Moss Rose
  • Flwrs. - Polyanthus / Primula
  • Flwrs. - Roses
  • Flwrs. - Snowdrops
  • Flwrs. - Sweetpea
  • Flwrs. - Tulip
  • Flwrs. - Viola / Violet
  • Flybirds
  • Forces of Valour
  • Formaplast
  • Forts
  • Fram
  • French
  • Frogmen
  • From Hollow Cast
  • Fruit Salad
  • Fujimi
  • Fun
  • Fun-Tastic
  • Funtastic
  • Future - NTS
  • G
  • Galoob
  • Galterra
  • Games Workshop
  • Gaming
  • Gaugemaster
  • Gdn. - Autumn
  • Gdn. - Banks
  • Gdn. - Beds and Borders
  • Gdn. - Bonfire
  • Gdn. - Compost
  • Gdn. - Construction Jobs
  • Gdn. - Flowers
  • Gdn. - Fruit
  • Gdn. - Fungi
  • Gdn. - Grass
  • Gdn. - Hedges
  • Gdn. - Landscape
  • Gdn. - Miscellaneous
  • Gdn. - Paths
  • Gdn. - Patios
  • Gdn. - Pruning
  • Gdn. - Shrubs
  • Gdn. - Soil Preperation
  • Gdn. - Spring Jobs
  • Gdn. - Summer Jobs
  • Gdn. - Tools
  • Gdn. - Topiary
  • Gdn. - Trees
  • Gdn. - Vegetable Patch
  • Gdn. - Westonbirt Arboretum
  • Gdn. - Winter Jobs
  • Gemodels
  • German
  • Gerry Anderson
  • Giant
  • Gibbs
  • Gigi
  • Gillette
  • Gilmark
  • Giocadag
  • Giodi
  • Gladiators
  • Glassware
  • Golden Astronauts
  • Gomarsa
  • Gordy
  • Gormiti
  • Goula
  • Great Gizmo's
  • Greg Wolf
  • Grip
  • Guatamalan
  • Guilders Toys
  • GW
  • H
  • Hagemeyer
  • Haglon
  • Hamba
  • Hanna Barberra
  • Hasbro
  • Hasegawa
  • HaT
  • Hausser
  • Havok
  • Heinrichsen
  • Heller
  • Henbrandt
  • Herald
  • Herbert
  • Heroclix
  • Heroes Force
  • Heroics and Ros
  • Heyde
  • HG
  • Highway
  • Hill-Hilco-Hillco-Hill and Co.
  • Hinchliffe
  • Hing Fat
  • Hinton Hunt
  • History
  • HK
  • HO - OO
  • Hobbyplast
  • Homemade
  • Homemade - NTS
  • Hong Kong
  • Hornby
  • Horrorclix
  • Horses
  • Horton
  • Household Cavalry
  • Hover
  • HTI
  • Humbrol
  • Hummer - Humvee
  • Humour - NTS
  • I
  • Ideal
  • Imai
  • Imex
  • Imperial Toys
  • In Memorandem
  • Indian Army
  • Industria Argentina - Alni
  • Industria Argentina - RM
  • Ingap
  • Insects - Bees and Wasps
  • Insects - Beetles
  • Insects - Bugs
  • Insects - Butterflies
  • Insects - Caterpillars
  • Insects - Flys
  • Insects - Moths
  • Insects - Parasites
  • Insects - Spiders
  • Intenet
  • Interactive
  • International Affairs - NTS
  • Internet - NTS
  • Interwar-years
  • Irregular Miniatures
  • Ivory
  • J
  • J and L Randall
  • Japanese
  • Jean
  • Jecsan
  • Jig-Toys
  • JIM
  • Jimson
  • Johillco - Johilco
  • Johnny Lightning
  • Johnson
  • Jordan
  • Jou-Plat
  • Jouef
  • JTC
  • Jumbo
  • Jungle)
  • K
  • K's
  • Kamikaze
  • Kelloggs
  • Kenner
  • Kentoys
  • Key Ring
  • Kieler Zinnfiguren
  • Kilgore
  • Kinder
  • Kit
  • Kleeman - Kleeware
  • Knight
  • Koho
  • Korona Imperial
  • L
  • L.I.C.
  • La Roche aux Fees
  • Labelle Industries
  • Labere School
  • Landi-Cromoplasto
  • Law and Order - NTS
  • Layla
  • LCF
  • Lego
  • Les Higgins
  • Levi-Strauss
  • Li-lo
  • Lidl
  • Lido
  • Life Like
  • Lilliput
  • Lindberg
  • Lineol
  • Lines Bros.
  • Linka
  • Litho-printed
  • Littlewoods
  • Local Authorities - NTS
  • Lone Star
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Lucky - LP
  • Lucky Clover
  • M
  • MAB Mobile
  • Magazines
  • Mainstream
  • Majorette
  • Make - American
  • Make - Mixed
  • Make; American
  • Make; Argentina
  • Make; Austria
  • Make; Belgian
  • Make; British
  • Make; Canada
  • Make; China
  • Make; Czechoslovakian
  • Make; Danish
  • Make; French
  • Make; German
  • Make; Italy
  • Make; Japan
  • Make; Mixed
  • Make; Polish
  • Make; Soviet-bloc
  • Make; Spain
  • Make; USA
  • Manta Force/Viper Squad
  • Mantic
  • Manurba
  • Marksmen
  • Martenitsa
  • Marx
  • Marx Tinykins
  • Mastermodels
  • Matchbox
  • Mattel
  • Maynards
  • MB Games
  • MDM
  • Meccano
  • Media - NTS
  • Medicine - NTS
  • Medieval
  • Megabloks
  • Merit
  • Merite
  • Merten
  • Metal - Aluminium
  • Metal - Brass
  • Metal - Bronze
  • Metal - Cold-cast
  • Metal - Die Cast
  • Metal - Gunmetal
  • Metal - Hollow Cast
  • Metal - Lead
  • Metal - New Metal
  • Metal - Pewter
  • Metal - Silver
  • Metal - Slush Cast
  • Metal - Staybrite
  • Metal - Steel
  • Metal - Tin-plate
  • Metal and Soul
  • Mettoy
  • MGM SuperToy International
  • Micro-machines
  • Micro-mould
  • Microsoft - NTS
  • Middle East - NTS
  • Midgetoy
  • Midori
  • Mighty Max
  • Miguel Torres
  • Mikephil
  • Militaria
  • Minature Figurines - Minifigs
  • Minerals
  • Mini Protest
  • Mini's
  • Miniature Masterpieces
  • Minic
  • Minikins
  • Minimodels
  • Minitanks
  • Minix
  • Minnie Maria
  • Mir
  • Miscellaneous
  • Mithril Miniatures
  • Mixed Materials
  • MK Modelle
  • Model-Land
  • Modelling
  • Modelscene - Model Scene
  • Modern
  • Mohawk
  • Mokarex
  • Monogram
  • Monsters
  • Montaplex
  • Motorcycles
  • Motron
  • MP's
  • MPC
  • Mr. Fruity
  • Mulberry Miniatures
  • Multi-media
  • Munch Bunch
  • Munchkins
  • Mundi
  • Muppets
  • Muri
  • My Pas)
  • N
  • N Gauge
  • Nabisco
  • Napoleonic
  • Nardi
  • National
  • Nativity
  • Naturecraft - Nature Craft
  • Naval - Marines
  • New Production News
  • New Ray
  • News Views Etc...
  • NFIC
  • Nitto
  • Noah's Ark
  • Noddy
  • Norev
  • Novalinea
  • Novelty
  • NTS - Architecture
  • NTS - Camel Cigarettes
  • NTS - China
  • NTS - Christmas
  • NTS - Christmas Baubles
  • NTS - Clothing
  • NTS - Computing
  • NTS - Cooking
  • NTS - Fir Cones
  • NTS - Fossils
  • NTS - Household goods
  • NTS - Matches
  • NTS - Minerals
  • NTS - Miscellaneous
  • NTS - Mugs
  • NTS - Natural Science
  • NTS - Other Collectables
  • NTS - Photography
  • NTS - Rocks
  • NTS - Scenic Views
  • NTS - Seeds
  • NTS - Smokerania
  • NTS - Snow
  • NTS - Wasp Nest
  • NTS - Wildlife
  • NTS -Plants
  • NZ - Nat.Army Mus.
  • O
  • O'la
  • Objets
  • Ocean Discovery
  • Ochel Alloys
  • Olympics
  • Olympics - NTS
  • Omnia
  • Omo
  • One Inch Warrior
  • Orion
  • Osprey
  • Other Collectables - NTS
  • Over-moulding
  • P
  • Paddington Bear
  • Padgett Brothers A-Z Limited
  • Painting
  • Palitoy
  • Paper
  • Paramount
  • Paratroops
  • Parker
  • Parragon
  • Passenger
  • Past the Post
  • Paul Lamond Games
  • Payton
  • Peak Frean's
  • Peco
  • Pedigree
  • Pen and Sword
  • Pencil Tops
  • Perspex
  • Peter Pan Playthings
  • Photography - Landscape
  • Photography - Macro
  • Phrases - NTS
  • Pirates
  • Pizza-Hut
  • Plastic
  • Plastic - Polyethylene
  • Plastic - Polystyrene
  • Plastic - Vinyl/PVC
  • Plastic Warrior
  • Plasticart
  • Plasticom
  • Plastruct
  • Plasty
  • Play Set - Playset
  • Playcraft
  • Playing Mantis
  • Playmates
  • Playmobile
  • Plymr - Bakelite
  • Plymr - Blow-moulded
  • Plymr - Celluloid
  • Plymr - Cellulose-Acetate
  • Plymr - Ethylene
  • Plymr - Hybrid
  • Plymr - Mixed
  • Plymr - Phenolic
  • Plymr - Polypropalene
  • Plymr - PU Resin
  • Plymr - Silicone Rubber
  • Plymr - Styrene
  • Plymr - Vinyl/PVC
  • Pocket Force
  • Pokemon
  • Police
  • Politics - NTS
  • Politoys
  • Polly Pocket
  • Poplar
  • Porcelain
  • Portugese Makers
  • Postman Pat
  • Power Play
  • Precision
  • Preiser
  • Premium World
  • Premiums
  • Press
  • Price and Etheridge
  • Prinze August
  • Priser
  • Processed Plastics
  • Product Enterprises
  • Product Review
  • Prussian
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Pumic
  • Puruvian
  • Puzzles
  • Pyro
  • Q
  • Quaker
  • Quick
  • Quiralux
  • R
  • Raco
  • Rado/Ri-toys
  • RAE
  • RAF Regiment
  • Rafael Lipkin
  • Railway
  • Railway Staff
  • Rja
  • Ral Parha
  • Rambo
  • Rant
  • Rawcliffe
  • RDA Marketing
  • Readymade
  • Real Macoy
  • Reamsa
  • Recycling
  • Referance
  • Referendum - NTS
  • Religion - NTS
  • Remco
  • Renaissance
  • Renovation
  • Res Plastics - RP
  • Resin
  • Revell
  • RHS Wisley - NTS
  • Riko - Richard Kohnstam
  • Ring Hand
  • Robin Hood
  • Robogear
  • Robots
  • Roco
  • Roco-Minitanks
  • Rolykins
  • Ron  Cameron
  • Rose Miniatures
  • Rosebud - Rosedale
  • Rosenhain and Lipmann
  • Roskopf
  • Rospaks
  • RP
  • Rubensein
  • Ruins
  • Running Press
  • Rupert
  • Russian
  • S
  • Sacul
  • SAE
  • Sam Toys
  • SAS
  • Scalecraft
  • Scenic
  • Schipka
  • Schuco
  • Scratchbuilt
  • Seasonal
  • Seasonal - Celebration
  • Sebstiano Mauri
  • Serjan-Serjanboys
  • Show Reports
  • Siku
  • Silverlit - Multimack
  • Simon-Schuster
  • Sky Birds
  • Slater's
  • Smokerania
  • Sobres
  • Societie d' Edition...
  • Society - NTS
  • Soldabar
  • Soldis
  • Solido
  • Solper
  • Soma
  • Soviet
  • Space
  • Spacex
  • Spam - NTS
  • Spanish
  • Spanish Gold
  • Spears Games
  • Special Forces
  • Speeches - NTS
  • Speedwell
  • Spencer Smith
  • Sportsmen
  • Spot-On
  • Spyglass
  • SR
  • Stadden
  • Stampers
  • Standard Games
  • Star Wars
  • Starlux
  • State of the Nation - NTS
  • Stationery
  • Steam
  • Steve Jackson Games
  • Stonehenge
  • Strawberry-Fayre
  • Strelets
  • Subbuteo
  • Success
  • Super Heroes
  • Supercar
  • Superheros
  • Supreme - SP Toys
  • Suren
  • Swedish African Engineers
  • Swiss
  • Swoppets
  • Swoppets - Heads
  • T
  • Tactical Strike
  • Taffy
  • Taiwan
  • Takara
  • Tallon
  • Tamiya
  • Tank
  • Tarzan
  • Taylor and-or Barratt
  • Tehnolog
  • Tente
  • Terrorism - NTS
  • Texas
  • The Zone
  • Thiery La Frond
  • Thinkway Toys
  • Thomas
  • Tiger Electronics
  • Tim-mee - Tim-Mee
  • Timpo
  • Tin-tin
  • Tito
  • Tobar
  • Toddy
  • Tokens
  • Tom - Jerry
  • Tom Smith
  • Tombola
  • Tomy
  • Tootsie Toy
  • Totem Poles
  • Toy
  • Toy Mark
  • ToyMark
  • Toys and Games
  • Toyway
  • Tr'oo'scale
  • Tractors
  • Tradition
  • Trains
  • Transogram
  • Tree - NTS
  • Trees
  • Tri-Ang - Triang
  • Trix
  • Trojan
  • Trolls
  • Tron
  • Truescale
  • Trumpton
  • TSR
  • TT Gauge
  • Tudor Rose
  • TV - NTS
  • TV/Movie
  • Tyler's
  • U
  • Ultraman
  • UN
  • Una
  • Undead
  • Unifax
  • Universal Powermaster
  • Unknown
  • UPC
  • Upper Deck Corp - UDC
  • US Infantry
  • Usborne
  • V
  • Vac-forms
  • Value for Tax - NTS
  • Van Brode
  • VEB
  • Vehicles
  • Vemo 
  • Vero
  • Vessels
  • Vietnam
  • Voss
  • VP
  • W
  • W and T
  • Waddington's
  • Wagons
  • Wannatoys
  • Wargaming
  • Warner Brothers
  • WD
  • Wells - A and Co.
  • Wells-Brimtoy
  • Wendal - Wend-Al
  • Wentoys
  • West Berks BC - NTS
  • Weston
  • White Tower
  • WHW
  • Wicketz
  • Wiking
  • Wild West
  • Wildlife - Amphibians
  • Wildlife - Birds
  • Wildlife - Fungi
  • Wildlife - Insects
  • Wildlife - Livestock
  • Wildlife - Mammals
  • Wildlife - Pets
  • William Tell
  • Willie
  • Wills
  • Wizkids
  • Wood
  • Woolbro
  • World Dolls
  • World of Warcraft
  • Worry Dolls
  • Worzel Gummage
  • WoW
  • WWI
  • WWII
  • Wyatt and Tizard
  • Wüsolin
  • X
  • Xcel Concepts
  • Xiloplasto
  • Y
  • Yogi Bear
  • Yolanda
  • York
  • Z
  • Zaini - ZZ
  • Zang
  • Zero Hour
  • Zeta
  • Zip
  • Zizzle
  • Zoids 
  • Zoo