Even later than last time with the announcement this quarter I'm afraid, but still been busy doing other stuff. The 152st issue of PW has been out for so long another one has arrived! What's worse is that I actually picked-up 152 a day or two early, and then never did the review! So to help me catch-up there are two to cover this time.
Starting with 152;
* Lone*Star sailors get an overview, this also covers the Toyway-Timpo issues.
* A look at 4-inch Payton figures from Thomas Stark including Wild West, medieval and Arab/FFL.
* Editorial coverage of the new Horrible Histories figures from Worlds Apart.
* Alwyn Brice gets grubby with a look at filthy lucre and "...that well known auction site..." - I'm glad to say that like me Paul (the editor) has always followed a 'try not to mention money' policy.
* James Lloyd looks at the set of three 18th Century figures issued by Bonux.
* Debbie Steven's coverage of Marx UK gets to the Boy Scouts.
* There are two book reviews in this issue with Barney Browns's Britains Herald covered by none other than the inimitable Jame Opie and Barry Blood waxing lyrical on Juan Hermida's 'Plastic Toy Figures Made in Spain', which after a few false starts seem to be finally off the press, that's Andrea Press this time so hopefully if you pay your money you'll get your book?
* Mike Blake brings a report from the 54mm front-line, covering War Games held at Andy Harfield's March show.
* New product reviewed include figures from;
- Armies in Plastic
- Ivanhoe
- Replicants
* What the !&*$? has the quidgy-topped space tank which is around the Internet for those who've surfed it.
* Readers letters and contribution include a bumper crop this month including updates on...
- Pom-Poms Biscuits-Soldiers of the World (James Opie again)
- Acedo (Christian Hardy)
- Publis (Mathias Berthoux)
- Teixido (Juan Carlos Martin)
* Plus all the usual small-ads, news and views. Brief o-bit's on Charles Biggs and Ronald Cameron.
* This issue's cover-shot is of the Lone*Star cardboard LCT.
Now a 'back issue' it will be available from Paul via either the blog or the website.
So to issue 153;
* 'Animation' gives an overview of some of the more dynamic sculpts, from Thomas Stark
* A very interesting article on Vandamme premiums by Christian Hardy is worth the cover price alone (I love a new name!).
* A look at the Fort Apache Playset by Marx from Karl James studies the Sears exclusive.
* More musings on Linde Wild West from Andreas Dittmann with the American Indians covered this time.
* Chris Goddard gives a 'show-and-tell' of his recent purchases of American Insurgents from Award International in both scales.
* Editorial content this month is a focus on the Lone*Star Frogmen.
* Juan Hermida looks at early Spanish make Gama and their Swoppets.
* John Curry (from the History of Wargameing blog) looks at early war gaming and the role of plastics in its popularization.
* Tony Elvery's 'Converters Corner' features nice mounted Napoleonics and some 18th century Germans.
* Alfred Plath; writes a tribute to his friend Norman Tooth who has sadly passed away.
* What the !&*$? finds Les Collier seeking information on two interesting figures from hollow cast moulds, both prone or near-prone.
* Readers letters has updates on Payton 4-inch cavalry from the previous issue (courtesy of Peter Rushton), more from OWN (Mathias Berthoux), the Space Tank is identified by Gerald Edwards, and much more.
* While cover images this quarter are shots of Peter Cole's diorama of the Battle of Hastings
* New products covered this month include figures from...
- Toy Soldiers of San Diego (TSSD)
- Replicants
- Parago
- Austin Miniatures
- Engineer Basevich
* Plus all the usual small-ads, news and views.
Out now! Both issues raise other matters, for which a round-up is easier....
Plastic warrior is now online here;
eMail; pw.editor@ntlworld.com
and they are on Paypal, however the old website has closed.
New websites of interest are;
C and T Auctions
A GIANT UPDATE: GIANT 25mm Alien Pose 3 - Dark Green SP
32 minutes ago
A good couple of issues I thought. Those Austin cowboys look like fun.
Keep up the good work on this enjoyable blog
Thank you for the kind words Rob...I'll try to, I've had a bit of a hiatus recently. but should be putting a fair bit up in the next few weeks.
The Austin's look like they'll go well with both Airfix and Britains?
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