When we looked at the MPC mini-planes a while ago, I mentioned briefly the 'rocket planes' in the other-makes round-up picture; last shot here. Well; synergy being what it is, they turned-up a few months later to explain the slot in their underside.
Found at Plastic Warrior' show in May, I tried to buy it but the owner had wandered-off and there was no price on it, so I just shot it for the archive! A pull-back, sprung-lever flic-fires the 'planes (I'd imagine with some force) across the carpet, possibly at an unsuspecting sibling...since known as 'one-eye'!
A reminder of the original three from my bag of bits. Two are marked Hong Kong and have crude stars on the wing-uppers, the third is unmarked, has smaller ailerons/tail-planes (?...horizontal/flat bits of the tail!) and cannon extending forward of the wing-tips, hinting at at-least two other makers of what was probably a common 'novelty' toy in the late 1950's.
I wouldn't be surprised to the learn the original was Thomas or Pyro, with moulds being shared to legitimate companies and the whole copied in HK by less legitimate ones!
Hot Wheels Zowees by Paul Adams
44 minutes ago
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