Which Bablefish assures me is leather-grease...I'm guessing some kind of neutral feed/water-proofer for leather like dubbin? Found (re-found!) whilst preparing an article on the cereal premium kits...
...this red four-engined 'plane - a windowed airliner - probably dates from the 1950's and was given away as a premium with Solitär lederfett. The company is still going, but the name has been Anglicised to Solitaire (for a wider market?). The white wheels point to early Manurba, but it could just as easily be a Siku moulding or any one of a half-dozen others and I don't know which, yet.
The red Solitär model is all hard polystyrene with a casually applied sticker, the yellow one is all soft polyethylene and probably appeared as a more generic 'freebie' in 'lucky' bags of sweets and novelties in the 1970's.
Oh Well....
1 hour ago
Direct Translation of lederfett is Leather grease.. commonly known as Dubbin ;-)
Cheers Paul...Happy New Year...I've eMailed the company but 'aint holding my breath! It would be nice if they had something in the archive.
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