If you've spent 'lockdown' having a bit of a sort out, now might be the time to 'consign'; anyway I got this in the Mail today, and am happy to re-post it here as food for thought!
Now, you may wonder why PW, Vectis and Herald get so much promotion here, as against other operators? It's simply because they send me the copy. I keep inviting both SAS and C&T to use the blog for promotional purposes, and they will enthusiastically declare that they intend to then I never hear from them again until the next show, when the conversation is the same.
It's exactly the same as the conversations at the London Toy Fair each year; three years running now, Papo have enthusiastically asked for my eMail and address, promised to send all sorts for the promotion of their range on my platform, they even take notes . . . and then six, eight, twelve months go by and the same conversation occurs at Kensington again! And not just Papo; GW, Galeforce Nine and others, all enthusiastic at the time, but then no follow-up. It's as if they think turning-up to a show or fair and glad-handing a few peeps is enough?
Now, it may be that they decide I'm a bit prickly, or that the stuff with the idiots at the PSTSM is a bit 'non-u', but that's missing the two points; A) it's the Internet stupid; everything disappears off the bottom of the page and is quickly forgotten! And B) publicity is publicity, good or bad! And please don't think this is a winge, it isn't; it's an explanation of the facts of the matter and as to why some organisations seem to be getting preferential treatment!
I've got plenty to keep me occupied what with purchases & shelfies, contributed new production and shelfies, the vintage stuff, the 'queue', news, 'dragging-out' Toy Fair reports &etc. . . . although I might use stuff anyway, if I like the product, or think it will enhance a post, but it's not my job; nor do I have the time, to chase up other-peoples output or content if they can't be bothered to send it, however those who send me stuff will see it promoted.
I think this may have published earlier today without the picture (and unfinished), I've been having problems with blogger today and I don't know if it's BT, Google or Mozilla's fault, but it seems to be a semi-regular Friday 'thing'?
Italeri 1/72 T-34/76 Model 1943 (by Şerif Sadık)
3 hours ago
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