Following-on from the previous post on Hedgehogs I promised some more, and these are they;
A couple of days after the nigh-time encounter covered by your intrepid reporter, this little chap (or chap'ess) turned-up in the middle of the day, rummaging in the long grass, which - I'm sorry to report earned it a bit of a back-kick from Jimijames. that well-known ravager of all things prickly or porcine!
No damage was done, a young hedgehog got a lesson in where to go in the human world in the hours of daylight, and having clearly passed with distinction, got a reward of some watered-down milk!
Back in July, I managed to catch this one running across the lawn, and dispersing under the nut hedge.
He or she than appeared up by the pond a couple of days later, scruffling around looking for snails and slugs, two of the few lifeforms to have benefited from a very odd summer...well; very odd year altogether.
It was there discovered and flushed-forth by Frodo, not - as the more astute of you will have realised from the image here presented - a Hobbit, but one with equally furry feet, nevertheless.
Once the hair-ball had discovered that the new kid on the block was not a new playmate, and worse...prickly not furry...and particularly prickly to the nose, he first looked disinterested, then licked his tail, then had a scratch before fixing his gaze firmly on the yellow poppies the other side of the lawn..."What? Me? No, not remotely interested, far better things to do..."
The 2024 Garden Year
11 minutes ago
Haven´t seen any of our hedgehogs for a while now.
I´ll find that set..i hate it when my google fu isn´t up to scratch :-D
PS..Patrick never got back about the game instructions (?)
Hi Paul - I'll eMail you!
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