These are just sublime in their madness!
Argentine (or 'believed to be Argentinian') copies in polyethylene of Elastolin/Lineol type composition World
War One, 70mm, German Infantry! Factory painted, the printed-fabric wallpaper
only adds to the madness - enjoy!
This was unmarked and while the driver
seems to be home-painted to confuse slightly, the dabs of silver seem original
and point to Hong Kong rather than 'Western' origins, however I'm sure it's a
copy of a Tudor Rose, Rafael Lipkin or similar toy, maybe even
a scale-up of an early Matchbox or Corgi model? I liked it. About 1:40th
and soft polyethylene plastic.
Thanks to Adrian at Mercator Trading for letting me photograph these.
The dumpster looks like a copy of the Tri-ang Minic one that was a very bright orange plastic from mid 50's
Cheers Terranove! I was 'hedging my bets' on that one!
It's funny, you grow up with things in the toy box and they induce a sense of timelessness, to the point when you're surprised to notice the changes in the real world, in fact the changes are incremental and each manufacturers model is more up-to-date than the last, but the 'norm' is what's in your toy box, not what's on the building sites!
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