About Me

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No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

C is for Coming Soon . . . or Came and Went!

The 'came & went' is because you will recognise various bits as having been Blogged in the last few weeks, but these plunder posts seem to generate quite a bit of interest if the stats are to be believed, so; this is some of the stuff which has come in over the later summer and autumn.

August and September's bits and bobs sorted and waiting for the attic door to open, there's a Sandown Show's worth here (September's) along with several bags of moshlingkinderpops from a charity shop! Looking at it; we've had about 40% on the Blog already, the rest will be filtered-in over the next X-years!

On the left are my show purchases at Sandown Park last weekend, less the stuff I purchased from Mercator which are on the right, there's a scale distortion, with the right image having been collaged bigger than the left image. We looked at the Lucky dude the other say, the rest are very-much on the back-burner, but we may look at the two Cherilea animals as the paint is so good!

This lot came from 'Jim' who was supposed to send me his eMail or feeBay ID so I could credit him properly, but he forgot! Anyway he's a fan, or at least visits the blog and let me have these for very little money and there's all sorts of interesting stuff to be filtered into future posts.

I feel a little guilty about the Charbens Guards, as I had them, thinking - in poor light - they were the rubber HK-manufactured ones and because they were in a large bag which was useful for putting the rest of the sortings in and it wasn't until I got them home I realised they were what they were, and I already have them - in similar condition, so I'll take them back to him at the show in March!

A certain S.P. tried to liberate the Marx Wild West lady within seconds of my paying for her, but I will do a comparison with all the other versions next time I get the Marx box out, so she stayed!

This was the floor findings at the end of the show! The suitcase opens (dolls?) and the astronaut is from Dinky's moon-buggy I think?

Jim has been trying to bring a load of bits and bobs to the show for me for a while, but with table moves and such-like it didn't happen for a couple of shows, and he had it ready for last Saturday but forgot to put it in the car. Kindly he posted it to me, and on Wednesday this-lot turned-up mid-morning!

All sorts of interesting bits and pieces, but mostly one's or two's, so things which will filter-in to future posts; gap-fillers rather than 'box-tickers'!

Does anyone recognise or know the origin of the 6" GI? He looks to be from a larger toy, with base-plugs on his feet, possibly a heavy-weapons crew-member or AFV mechanic? I'm guessing 1970's or early '80's, Hasbro, Kenner or Mattel type 'Big Box' toy of some kind?

Other highlights are some nice flats, two funnimals, a Blue Box knight with original kerthunker (I believe students of such things refer to them as maces!), a lovely stacking policeman in an early styrol; I've only previously seen clowns like that, various bits of Cherilea and a Hong Kong cave man, he's often found with his fig-leaf missing so nice to get him fully-wardrobed.

We will look at the Gem (here carded as 'Ge-Models') bagged set in close-up soon, do a comparison of those paratroopers with some we've seen here, some of the Khaki types can go to that page and the Bergan/Beton-horsed figures will go on the Airfix page dealing with them, so all useful grist to the mill and thank you Jim.


In addition to the above; Small Scale World has received two parcels from Peter Evans, some of which have been blogged, some still to come, various other Charity shop bargains (some still in edit), again some in the queue of articles, some sorted into the pile, one headed for the still-in-edit composition page (don't ask!), and there have been some stand alone things like the boardgames.

Brian Berke has sent lots of shelfies in the last three months, and I've been taking a few, I also weakened and bought something - previously seen as a shelfie - today (a few days ago in Blog-time), which will post tomorrow and there was Ed Berg's package of 1950's Khaki polymer. It's been a good autumn - thanks all!

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