About Me

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No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

F is for Forthcoming

A bit of an odd post, and more of a 'News, Views...' than anything else, but it will serve the purpose of explaining any future hiatuses here at the 'Home Blog' as I try to clear some of this other stuff to the Hong Kong, Airfix or even: A-Z Blogs.

Taken at the beginning of February, this was what January looked like in Piacsa then, we have since had most of the posts in this 'section' of the queue, and indeed - because I kept putting this post back, I kept ticking off the stuff that had gone! Now most of it has . . .

. . . as this was the picture for January last Thursday! And even a couple of this weekend's posts were yet to be created - as separate folders; they were hidden somewhere in the laptop!

It then goes down to before I had a digital camera - one of the beauties of Picasa is that you can use it as an archiving/sorting tool, even though the folders are elsewhere in different places on the Laptop, just by changing the date, it's a temporary 'Picasa' date; once you move the folder to say a dongle, it reverts to creation-date automatically.

Here we see in 2006 a couple of page-projects, which will eventually go at the top of the Home Blog, then 2005 deals with the Hong Kong hollow-horse/wild west project first started in One Inch Warrior magazine, and destined for the 'But is it Giant' Blog.

Here are a couple of finished/near finished entries, each will get its own post, with separate posts on each known-set (when I get round to further images), while there will be a comparison-page on that Blog, listing each horse with a quick thumbnail description and links to the relevant posts.

2004 is the back-burner and storage area, where, posts are born, images collected, and thoughts cogitated, when they are ready they are first re-dated to the current year (which takes them to within a single finger-pad stroke of the collage folder!) and then sent to the desktop for final editing and 'blurb'!

Latest Toy Shots - dated 01-01-04 to keep it at the bottom of the section - is the black-hole, where everything tends to visit at least once, radiating out as needed (thanks for the simile Dr Hawkins, rest in peace), it's been more than a 1000 images, sometime it goes down to 400+ (it's at 565 today - Friday 16th), but the average is slowly climbing, as like all black-holes it swallows stuff!

2003 deals with the other main vein to be mined on the HK Blog; the Khaki Infantry, these are not the Airfix copies (which I've barely started to sort - the bulk are in storage and most of the packs have already been put on the 54mm pages of the Airfix Blog) but the Britains, Marx Tim Mee and Blue Box copies. 2002 are a few odds & sods.

While some folders in '03 are nearly ready (or look nearly ready from the number of images) others are hard to deal with, due to the small nature of the sample, these will be from ephemeral sources like gum-balls, Christmas crackers or Lucky bags.
The folders will be re-dated at some point to get the figures in order!

Finally there's the stuff building-up for the next session of adding to the Airfix Blog, it's not a priority really, hence they are down the bottom of the slider!

This is what the FFL Fort folder looks like, at the moment it's simply a comparison between the hard plastic and soft plastic versions, but the hard plastic one is painted, so I'm waiting 'till the storage stuff comes out and I can do the boxes and unpainted 2nd versions and stuff!


Blanked-out folders are things you don't want to see! Well tough! I decided you didn't! Then there's all the contribution stuff which is elsewhere!

The point of this post is, if - in the near future - I don't post here for a few days, it will be likely I'm preparing a tranche of posts for one of the other blogs, not because I don't have the material! It's time I'm sort of . . .

And then there's the stuff for the A-Z Blogs, which I'm well behind with, it's all on the dongles! First; Small Scale World, then; The World! Hee-hee - youknowsit!

22-03-2018 - The following Zeds have been added since that image was cobbled together:

Zap Adhesives [Zap Glue] - See 'Robart Mfg.'

Zen - ZEN - Z.E.N.
Zenoah - See 'Horizon Hobby'
Zhaoqing City Golden Richtoys Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Helen Plastic Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Hongji Toys Manufacture Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Huangyan Jingcheng Mould & Plastic Factory
Zhejiang Taixing Child's Toys Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Xinding Plastic Co., Ltd
Zhejiang Yunlong Plastic Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Zhengyi Toy Factory
Zhong Shan Jinting Plastic & Hardware
Zimpli Kids
Zinger Propeller
Zinn Brigade - ZinnBrigade - Zinnbrigade
Zinnfiguren Böhm
Zinnfiguren Strassburg
Zinnfiguren aus Anhalt
Zollner, George
Zona Tool Co.
Zoukei Mura
Z-Stuff for Trains
ZTC Controls - ZTC Systems
Ztrack Magazine - See 'Kalmbach Publishing Co.'
Zuber, O

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