About Me

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No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

R is for Return - Figurines Historiques

I found the small collection of Polk's/Historex tie-up, the Figurines Historiques re-issues, in the garage/ex-storage stash the other day and have been trying to make sense of the sets from what I had in storage and those lovely painted (possibly by William J. Carman) and unpainted lose ones I picked-up at the London show a year or three ago now.

As a result we're going to look at them again briefly (but with lots of pictures) although it all raises more questions than it answers! Obviously the first thing is to ignore the line-ups in the previous post which were chronological by base-date, whereas [I hope!] today's are in the correct sets.

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
In storage I had some more of the semi-flats in their unpainted state; a white polystyrene of the same easy-glue type Historex used for their own products, with two sets still bagged which helped get the sets sorted, this is both sides of RB3 which I think is one half of 'Soldiers Through the Ages', however I'm not sure, as the small quantity of ephemera I have only fully lists the solids - Doh!

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
A comparison between one of the RB3 figures and a rather tatty example of a Mokarex original! Because the Figurines Historiques were issued over here they were quite common a decade or so ago, and while everyone else was ticking-off lists of 54mm British or European solids or 60mm US imports, I was ferreting around the shows hoovering-up the smaller stuff, and those of these, we didn't see last time, were among them.

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
However - I have hardly any Mokarex, and only these other three in semi-flat (and the gold one below), all three of which are from a set of Mokarex Napoleonic uniforms not re-issued by Figurines Historiques. You do see them occasionally, but often for silly money given that both Mokarex and Storme were among the bigger coffee brands and produced millions of these.

I have one or two larger solids (maybe 8 or 10 in total, some WWI and some Napoleonic cavalry in the smaller scale) but they will turn-up in thematic 54mm posts in the future.

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
Another comparison; musketeers! The gold one ('Buckingham', bottom-left) is another Mokarex original and then there are a selection of painted and unpainted for the two poses (the other is Porthos), along with (to the right) two smaller figures from another set, but of contemporary subjects, being another musketeer (above) and (below) one of Richelieu's goons! They are the smaller 50mm to the Three Musketeer's 54mm. The painted ones may have been painted by William J. Carman.

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
Now, the mysteries - while the semi-flats (50 and 54mm) turn-up, they aren't listed on the various header-cards I have, while the solids are (as already mentioned) listed, but I can't remember seeing them, or if I have seen them, they were Mokarex silver/gunmetal, not Historex white? And I think I'm right in saying the shots used on the header-cards are old Mokarex publicity shots - not unexpected if the Brethiot family (owners of Mokarex) were helping Nathan Polk and Historex with the re-issue.

Consequently, apart from the two sets I still have on the runner, the other three set numbers are speculative 9along with all the set-titles), while the listing for the solids (toward the bottom) may be for stuff they never ran the tools for! Anyhoows . . . here's what I think it looks like at the moment, one day - hopefully - we'll return to them for a final time with a definitive listing!

I do have a bunch of Polk's catalogues in the archive, so when i find them I'll check if he ever advertised/listed the semi-flats, but I think mine are too early, they mostly date form the 1940/50's?

Listings (Preliminary)
Flat/Semi-Flat Range

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
RB1 (?) - Kings of France (12 figures, listed chronologically, Mokarex series 1a - Les Rois de France)
[King] Clovis 465-511
[King] Clotaire 1 558-563
[King/Emperor] Charlemagne [The Great] 768-814
S Louis 1226-1270 (St. Louis?)
[King] Louis XI 1461-1483
[King] Francois I..1515-1547
[King] Charles IX 1560-1574
[King] Henri III 1574-1589
[King] Henri IV 1589-1610
[King] Louis XIV 1643-1715
[King] Louis XV1715-1774
[Corporal/Emperor] Napoleon I.. 1804-1815

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
RB2 - French Historical Personalities (12 figures, listed reading around the runner, Mokarex series 1b - Grande Capitaines)
Du Guesclin1320-13-80
Jean D'Arc 1412-1431 (Joan of Arc, also Jeanne D'Arc)
Turenne 1611-1675
ConnBLE  de Bourbon 1490-1527 (Connetable de Bourbon)
La Tour D'Auvergne 1743-1800
MAL de Saxe 1696-1750
Hoche 1768-1797
Conde 1621-1686
Bayard 1473-1524
Vercingetorix 72·46·Av.JC.
Marceau 1769-1796

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
RB3 - Soldiers Through the Ages (12 figures, listed reading around the runner, Mokarex numbers in brackets, Mokarex series 2a - Les Costumes Militaires)
Piquier [of the period of] Louis XIII (Piquet/Night Watch?)
Carolingien 800 (Carolingian)
Merovingien 600 (Merovingian)
Fusillier [of the period of] Louis XIV 1667 (Fusilier)
Infanterie [of the period of] Louis XV 1745 (Infantryman, 33)
Infanterie [of the period of] Louis XVI (Infantryman)
Chevalier Croise (Knight Crusader 1100'ish?)
Capetien 1000 (Norman)
Fantassin 1792 (35)
Grenadier 1771 [of the period of] Louis XV 1745
Gaulois 300 (Gaul)
Franc 400 (Frank)

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
RB4 (?) - Soldiers Through the Ages (12 figures, second runner, listed chronologically, Mokarex numbers in brackets, also Mokarex series 2a - Les Costumes Militaires)
Archer 1520 1520 (date repeated, no bow, so; man-at-arms?)
Cent-Suisse de le Garde 1558 (Landsknecht - Papal Guard)
Lansquenet 1562 (Conquistador type)
Mousquetaire 1627 (Musketeer)
Garde Cal Richelieu 1628 (Cardinal Richelieu's Bodyguard)
Carabinier 1692 (Dragoon)
Garde Francaise 1724 (French Guard)
Colonel De Hussard 1804 (Colonel of Hussars)
Grenadier 1804
Tambour Major 1804 (Drum Major)
Chevau-Leger 1810 (Heavy Cavalry, lit. 'Heavy Horse')
Cuirassier 1810 (34)

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
RB5 (?) - The Three Musketeers (12 figures, 'unknown' or Figurines Historiques numbering, Mokarex numbers in brackets, Mokarex series 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires)
6085 - D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28)
6086 - Athos (25)
6087 - Porthos (26)
6088 - Aramis (27)
6089 - Maitre Bonacieux (31)
6090 - Madame [Constance] Bonacieux (32)
6091 - Planchet (29)
6092 - Anne d'Autriche 1601-1666 (22)
6093 - [Earl of] Buckingham 1592-1628 (24)
6094 - [King] Louis XIII (21)
6095 - [Cardinal] Richelieu 1585-1642 (23)
6096 - Milady (30)

PS - if anyone has spare unpainted versions of the three I still need I'm sure I can find something nice for a swapsies!

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
Unknown publicity card
or set's backing-card (solids?)

Fully-round Range (listed as given on above flyer)

1 - French Revolutionary Figures 1st Series (12 figures)
Roget de L'isle 1760-1836
Camille Desmoulins 1760-1794
Lazare Carnot 1753-1823
Madame Tallien 1773-1835
Marat 1743-1793
Laviosier 1743-1794
Joseph Bara 1779-1793
Hoche 1768-1797
Charette 1763-1796
Princess de Lamballe 1749-1792 (Mme...)
La Fayette 1757-1834
Axel de Fersen 1755-1810

2 - French Revolutionary Figures 2nd Series (12 figures)
Napoleon 1769-1821
Danton 1750-1794
Marceau 1769-1796
Kellermann 1735-1820
Marie Antoinette with the Dauphin 1755-1793 & 1785-1795
Andre Chenier 1762-1794
Charlotte Corday 1768-1793
Fouquier-Tinville 1746-1795
Mirabeau 1749-1791
MME Royale 1778-1851 ('Princess Royal')
'Sans Culotte' 1792 (revolutionary)
MME Roland 1754-1795 (not on flyer/header-card)

3 - French 14-18 War Soldiers 1st Series (10 figures)
Alpine Chasseur
Morrocan Tirailleur
Infantry Grenadier
Foot Chasseur (#1)
African Chasseur
Soldier of the Marne

4 - French 14-18 War Soldiers 2nd Series (12 figures)
Soldier at Present Arms
St. Cyrien
Communications Guard
Foot Chasseur (#2)
Machine Gunner

5 - French 14-18 War Personalities 1st Series (12 figures)
Franchet D'Espercy

6 - Personalities of the 2nd French Empire 1st Series (8 figures)
Empress Eugenie
Princesse de Morny
Duchesse De Castiglione
La Paiva
Princesse de Metternich
Prince Imperial
George Sand

7 - Personalities of the 2nd French Empire 2nd Series (12 figures)
[Ferdinand] De Lesseps
Dumas pere
Victor Hugo

8 - French Revolutionary Figures 3rd Series (6 figures)
Robespierre 1758-1794
Louis XVI 1754-1793
Louis David 1748-1825
Saint-Just 1767-1794
Condorcet 1743-1794
Joseph Viala 1780-1793

9 - Louis XIV and Personalities (12 figures, may have been discontinued early or not issued)

10 - Louis XV and Personalities (12 figures, may have been discontinued early or not issued)

11 - Men at Arms of Louis XI (8 figures, from chess set)

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
12 - Bergundian Men at Arms (8 figures, from chess set)

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
Other side of above card
Chess Set (no number, 32 figures)
Louis XI
Charles le Temeraire [Charles the 'Rash' or 'Bold']
Charlotte de Savoie
Duchesse de Bourgogne
Knights (Dukes):
Duc de Bretagne
Duc de Bourbon
Duc de Malines
Duc d'Uytherke)

'Soldiers Through the Ages'; 1a - Les Rois de France; 1b - Grande Capitaines; 2a - Les Costumes Militaires; 2b - Les Trois Mousquetaires; Aramis; Athos; Brethiot Family; Brethiot's Mokarex; Buckingham; D'Artagnan 1611-1675 (28); Figurines Historiques; French Historical Personalities; Kings of France; Mokarex Flats; Mokarex Series; Nathan Polk; Polk's - Historex; Polk's Hobby Store; Porthos; Semi Flats; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Soldiers Through the Ages; The Three Musketeers; Vintage Plastic Figures, Vintage Plastic Flats, Vintage Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Toys, Old Toy Soldiers, Old Plastic Figures
I had help . . . if you can call it that!
And she always looks so pleased with herself - You don't fit in the small-sample boxes!


Terranova47 said...

I went into the store on 5th Avenue many times in the late 70's until it closed around 1980. Never saw these plastic figures then. The last items I bought there were paper/card railway buildings from the UK.

Hugh Walter said...

Yeh-no, I think it was a bit of a failed experiment, mid-70's maybe, certainly it had happened by the time Garratt was final-editing his encyclopaedia (Pub.1981), and my suspicion is that they ran the smei-flats, while advertising the solids, the semi's didn't do well and they gave up? As Historex Agents in Dover were 'the thing' in Military Modelling mag around '79/80 and beyond, we may have got a lot of the clearance here in the UK, but it's all speculation!


Carolyn said...

Ummm. I have the Set No 2 12 French Revolutionary Figures. Still in package. Contact me if interested carolynsredrose12@yahoo.com

Hugh Walter said...

Sorry Carolyn, only just found your message, and have eMailed you.