About Me

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No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

F is for Follow-up - Buck Rogers on a 20th Century Pencil

Returning to last August now, with a follow-up to the post on Buck Rogers silicon pencil-tops from Imperial, following a rather lucky purchase the other day. Highlighted by Brian Heiler on Facebook, in his long-running '5 Awsome Things On eBay This Week' trope (he finds these things, so we don't have to!) and a small bidding war, I was the successful winner of two whole boxes of them!
Buck Rogers; Buck Rogers In The 25th Century; Imperial Buck Rogers; Imperial Pencil Toppers; Imperial Toys; Novelties; Novelty Erasers; Novelty Figurines; Novelty Pencil Toppers; Pencil Earsers; Pencil Rubbers; Pencil Toppers; Robot Erasers; Robot Twiki; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Space Ships; Starships; Stormtrooper Toy; Thunderfighter; Twiki; Wilma Deering;
Although the seller gave a good description of the lot and how he'd sorted them into actual Buck Rogers and the more generic knock-off stuff with a Star Wars vibe, he didn't say there was one of each piece in each main colour with three extra colour-variants! Had he, I might have been out-bid; equally, if I'd spent more time looking at the images accompanying the lot, I might have worked that out for myself! And compared to other boxed sets/part-sets which have come-up (several now) it was a fair win I think!

Buck Rogers; Buck Rogers In The 25th Century; Imperial Buck Rogers; Imperial Pencil Toppers; Imperial Toys; Novelties; Novelty Erasers; Novelty Figurines; Novelty Pencil Toppers; Pencil Earsers; Pencil Rubbers; Pencil Toppers; Robot Erasers; Robot Twiki; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Space Ships; Starships; Stormtrooper Toy; Thunderfighter; Twiki; Wilma Deering;
Wilma and Buck flanking an Imperial Stormtrooper type in the upper shot, and Cee-D2 and Artoo-3PO to the right of the execrable Twitty-Tweet the Twelek Twiki in the lower image - god I hate that fatuous character!

Buck Rogers; Buck Rogers In The 25th Century; Imperial Buck Rogers; Imperial Pencil Toppers; Imperial Toys; Novelties; Novelty Erasers; Novelty Figurines; Novelty Pencil Toppers; Pencil Earsers; Pencil Rubbers; Pencil Toppers; Robot Erasers; Robot Twiki; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Space Ships; Starships; Stormtrooper Toy; Thunderfighter; Twiki; Wilma Deering;
In red; Buck's Defense Directorate starfighter, a Maruder from the bad-guys, led by Princess Ardarla (stangely humanoid, but whose back-story is never fully filled-out if I recall correctly?) and an A/B/Y-Wing! In yellow; the Back Rogers space station, a horse tranquilliser dart and one which is equally unplaceable! That last one is the only sculpt with full symmetry in two planes.

Buck Rogers; Buck Rogers In The 25th Century; Imperial Buck Rogers; Imperial Pencil Toppers; Imperial Toys; Novelties; Novelty Erasers; Novelty Figurines; Novelty Pencil Toppers; Pencil Earsers; Pencil Rubbers; Pencil Toppers; Robot Erasers; Robot Twiki; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Space Ships; Starships; Stormtrooper Toy; Thunderfighter; Twiki; Wilma Deering;
Buck's ship again from various angles. It's much closer to the one seen on big and little screens than the risible Corgi ones, with their squashed wings, elongated noses and 'elf-und-safty' crossbars!

Buck Rogers; Buck Rogers In The 25th Century; Imperial Buck Rogers; Imperial Pencil Toppers; Imperial Toys; Novelties; Novelty Erasers; Novelty Figurines; Novelty Pencil Toppers; Pencil Earsers; Pencil Rubbers; Pencil Toppers; Robot Erasers; Robot Twiki; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Space Ships; Starships; Stormtrooper Toy; Thunderfighter; Twiki; Wilma Deering;
I've already added another colour variant to these and a third blue of Wilma, and I only had four here, so when I get the storage lot added-in it might be quite the sample!

Buck Rogers; Buck Rogers In The 25th Century; Imperial Buck Rogers; Imperial Pencil Toppers; Imperial Toys; Novelties; Novelty Erasers; Novelty Figurines; Novelty Pencil Toppers; Pencil Earsers; Pencil Rubbers; Pencil Toppers; Robot Erasers; Robot Twiki; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Space Ships; Starships; Stormtrooper Toy; Thunderfighter; Twiki; Wilma Deering;
The box with side and back, the scanner is at the new flat, while I couldn't wait to shoot these here, so full high-res images can wait for the A-Z entry in a year or so . . . wasn't I saying that over a year ago? You don't want to know!
Shout out to the seller too, Corey (swankcat on evilBay), as there was a real problem with the parcel, and when you've invested a chunk of dough, the last thing you want is for the tracking to keep saying "Delieverd on the 17th" when it was only delivered to the tosser-station at Erlanger, Kentucky!
Thankfully, Hermes (who are still Hermes on the tracker, despite changing their name to Evri here (to hide their piss-poor reputation?) picked it up and ran with it, even though feeBay had lost all interest in it, on the wrong continent!

The Global shipping programme is such a profiteering scam it's untrue, how can it be better for fleaBay, Pitney Bowes (last heard-of selling typewriter paper in the 1970's) and Hermes-call-us-Evri, to all take themselves a percentage, and spend an extra week or two doing so, when parcels sent direct from Canada or through USPost can be here in three days for less money . . . fussa-bloody-russa!

Of course, 'Evri' left it in full view of the road all day while I was at the London Toy Soldier show, despite my having a huge wooden trunk in the porch with 'Parcels Please' written on it, which both beat-postie and Parcelfarce guy seem to find regularly? Our civilisation IS coming to an end, I mean . . . it just is!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I have recently come across (after much research) a green Wilma Deering pencil topper eraser in my old eraser collection. I would like to sell her but I’m completely out of my depths as to knowing a fair price. Could you help with this please, it would be very much appreciated. Kind regards :)

Hugh Walter said...

Not really Anon, it's not worth a fortune, you start it at 99p and hope, or you list it at say, 4-quid and hope someone desperate for that figure/colour can be convinced to part with that much?


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your response. The only guide I had was on eBay for a Twiki (?) one at $145!! Which knowing nothing, I still thought to be a bit extreme & felt the need to dig a bit deeper. So again, thank you for your advice :)