Quickly getting the rest up here - see previous post!
Thinking I'd published the previous post, in the previous two years, I just shot a couple of confirmatory shots of the Toobs, seeing nothing else new on the stand! Trying to count the Insects, I get to about 14-likely, but with some hidden in the heap at the bottom of the tube, and behind the labels, I suspect they are both a 16-count?
So, fresh from this year's Toy fair, and we have now got the life-cycle blisters extended with Ants and Honey Bees, the Ladybird's card graphics have been brought into line with the other four, and sets with squishy Ladybirds have been added.
So, if you weren't familiar with Insect lore, you now know as much as I do! I didn't see them at the Birmingham Spring Fair, on either visit, but they may have been there, perhaps in one of the Halls I didn't bother with?
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