About Me

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No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

L is for Lots of London Loot - Peter, January

This is the bag Peter brought to the London Toy Fair for me, which due to the nature of the 'everything else' happening on the day, I don't get to look at until I get home, and Peter gets a rather cursory "Oh, thanks mate" when he hands it over, and then I carry it around in my catalogue stash-bag, all day, without looking at it again!

Smaller bag of bits, in the bigger bag! A nice mix of Army men who will have to be further sorted at some later date, there are tubs of this stuff waiting to be matched to both my own collection of rack-toys and those images I've downloaded from evilBay over what must be nearly two decades now.
A nice selection of icing-spiked cake decorations, which might be a set or near complete set, and a couple from another source/maker. A - probably - part set of Disney princesses, who are smaller than Phidal, but similar, so could be from one of the earlier sets, or  a capsule/blind-bag thing?
The robo-morphin in a bag, is a cheapo party-favour from Henbrandt, and a non-articulated novelty solid, while the Dino' is probably an eraser? Other bits you can spot.

Disney Rava, from Hasbro, I haven't even googled it, now they are also a streaming service, buying rivals as fast as they can raise the cash, they are churning this stuff out, and a lot of it gets limited, or no cinema release and remains strange to whichever generation it's not aimed at, I guess this is one of them, and I am that generation!
It's fun, but it's an 'action figure' so rather outside the scope of the collection, blind tubs, I guess maybe a pound-shop type clearance item, but they didn't make it down to Hampshire?
Similar Pinocchio thing from Giochi Preziosi, I didn't even open them as you can see what they look like from the box-art, and I thought they'd be better laid-down like fine wine, against future sale, so any earnings can be invested in other things for the Blogs! But that's not to say I'm not grateful to Peter for saving them, it's literally all grist to the mill!
Lovely little white-button UFO from HANS, whom we've seen before here, they seem to be one of the main suppliers of the mechanisms, if not the finished items, and I think we've also seen these on the shelves of one of the toy/gift fair exhibitors?
Another 'big head' astronaut, we've seen several in the Toy Fair posts, with more to come I think, so definitely a current trend, and as always . . . I blame Funko! This one as an unbranded key-ring, and it has a strangely pixelated quarter (front left), as if it's melting back into the digital ether! It may have been a sales sample on the day, rather than from Peter's bag, my memory is fuzzy on the subject?
This was lovely; there are lots of these Hong Kong piracies in the stash, some clean samples, some bags of bits, what we have here, is a sample of figures from several sources, but each seems to be 'clean' or complete in itself, rather than mucked-about with, so very useful for later sorting of all the others!
Is that Cherilea Tarzan on the left? Similar but not substantial enough I fear, but I will check with the old Plastic Warrior article next time they are in front of me. Generic in the middle, and something probably from a sea-life, bagged, rack-toy set on the right, all more grist to the mill!
Erzgebirge hens and a diminutive feeder join a modern, but well-executed China foul down on the farm! The wooden trio may be from quite a well-known (in its day) set, as they do turn-up quite regularly, and I may have matching chicks or ducklings somewhere?
Phidal's and similar modern soft plastics (the wrestler is from Poundland, I think), along with two much older rubber-jiggler finger 'frights', and a polyethylene key-ring fright, who seems to be quite new? He also seems to have the same lenticular eyes as those blow-moulded space-aliens, some people missed on this Blog about five-times!

A rather fuzzy shot, but one which would take days to arrange a re-shoot of, now everything's been sorted and half of it already put away in storage. Highlights/points of note include the hard'ish plastic dinosaur, who's similar to the two-halves Dino's we've seen before, but seems to be one piece, and the Fox and Panda front/centre who are probably both Kinder or similar, having contractional elements.
Almost as fuzzy, but bits and bobs for the spares zone, with cake decoration golfer and one of these oversized KT Beefeaters, who will go in the 'styrene modelling spares zone, as he's already been glued to something, and is incomplete. The paint-brush is an eraser, the pencil is a cake-shop novelty in rubber/PVC.
This was one of two sets of party favour animals Henbrandt were carrying at the same time a few years ago, we looked at one in detail here, and saw a catalogue scan/online image of the other, not sure which this is, but it's the older 'Harlequin' card!
Many thanks to Peter for another bunch of useful bits, interesting examples and other things which will prove useful to the Blog/s going forwards, and we've box-ticked two sets of action figures!

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