I loved these first time round and I love them again, and this time there's a girl! And she's cool, laid-back and just a little bit sassy! So not so much a review as a sycophantic slobber!! No - that's not strictly true, but there's nothing bad to say about these.
The second set of Toy Boarders, supplied by AJ for my perusal, and having perused I am as impressed as I was last time...OK, so they aren't soldiers, but they are very well sculpted figures, of an unusual subject that really should have been done decades ago, and they are FUN!
The new set overlaying the older ones, I really hope these do well - snowboarders and surf-boarders are still on the drawing board and also I notice from the website that BMX'ers are in the pipeline...there's an extreme sports pun in there!
I took them out in the garden on the first true day of Spring (we only had to wait until the middle of April!), and had a play...look; if you didn't have a bit of a play - you'd collect something else...oriental ceramics perhaps? Red Kangxi finger-bowl for $9million anybody?
They play well and are quite infectious, it's nice to have stuff that isn't 'packing heat' or dealing death and destruction! See what I mean about the girl - she's tak'in no nonsense from the lads and one dude's so impressed he's got his camera out!
A group shot above with the 8 poses below, you get 3 each of the eight for your money and they aren't dear. They are - from top left to bottom right;
Filmer, Bomber, Tail-grab and Switch
Front Lipslide, Girl Cruising, Backside Boardslide and 50-50
Website - Orders
Facebook Page
Al sent me a second set of the first issue, and as I have a set from last year, they are up for grabs...this is only open to UK/EU/Turkey as they aren't worth posting back to the US (the planet, think of the planet!), so US residents will have to contact the website!
It's a names-out-of-the-hat type job, so leave a comment here or eMail, all names received by Sunday night (21st April 2013) at 21.30hrs will go in the draw, winner takes all. 'anonymous' commentors will have to eMail me contact details if they win though.
Draw was held in CAD this afternoon, and the lucky winner is Lurking Angrily for his prize, but he won't get it until he sends me his address...Mr. Fran Lee, first in first out, that's how it works, your details if you please. Radman was second, you get nothing I'm afraid...Woodsey was third, you get, er...less than nothing, so I'll expect something nice in the post!!!!
Thanks for entering - all, and keep an eye out for a special competition any day now.
Hot Wheels Zowees by Paul Adams
37 minutes ago
I'll have a punt sir.
Whay Dude...I'm in!
The more - the merrier gentlemen...although; The more - the lest chance of winning!
cool dude, 'Hoax' wearer here
Hi Chris - Like the avatar!!
Hey mav - ill have a piece of that action! Wotan
Count me in too Mav! Radical!
Okey Dokey...Count me in. What I could do with Skateboarders is beyond me..at the Moment :-D
Looks good. Hope I'm a winner.
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