A bit late with the announcement this quarter but busy doing other stuff! The 150th issue of PW plunked through the postbox the other week, if you are still not subscribing...now's the time to do so!
Features this month include;
* Supper Detail Paratroopers by Britains - Dispelling a few myths!
* An overview/musings on Replicants by the owner/sculptor Peter Cole
* Yuri Zazlavsky introduces his new company Pvblivs (Publius)
* The second of the set of articles about Linde Wild West figures by Andreas Dittmann
* A look at Marx WWI soldiers by Debbie Stevens
* Report covering US Cavarly sets by Atlantic courtesy of Karl James
* Daniel Morgan's Herald 'Notes and Queries' reaches the Household Cavalry and solves a few questions thrown-up here; Household Cav.; not least that one of my trumpeters is on the wrong horse!
* There's a brief look at the output of little known company HR Production
* Fred Barratt's 'Converters Corner' features Airfix Aussies from Dave Morris and more conversions (US Cavalry Rough Riders/Boxer Rebellion and desert raiders/Arabs) from Mike Blake
* The 100 Toy Pirates of comic book fame are covered by Brad DeSantis
* What the !&*$? has a wooden fort this month
* Updates on
- Marx (Swansea)
- Cherilea
* New products covered this month include figures from
- Armies in Plastic (AIP)
- Tiger Hobbies
- Toy Soldiers of San Diego (TSSD)
- Ivanhoe
- Classic Toy Soldiers (CTS)
* Plus all the usual small-ads, news, views and letters on figures from around the world (Heritage Toy Figures [HTF] and Trojan/BMS (?) Arabs ), with a Lone Star Mexican on the back cover and a nice boxed set of Spanish Civil Guard on the front.
Get it before its gone!
Hot Wheels Zowees by Paul Adams
1 hour ago
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