Another board game but again not from the recent photo-shoot but a recent Charity Shop purchase, and relatively recent so a quick over view of Mattel's Batman board game (one of two which came out around the same time I think . . . have we had the others? I may have the figures from the other game somewhere, I'll dig them out) anyway; Gotham City Mystery:
Cover has a window to catch figure-fans! And because I haven't bothered to learn all the iterations of the Bat'verse, I don't know which era these represent, but I think it's the main comic one between the original TV series and the modern movie era (where everything changes ever film . . . purely for marketing purposes!)?You may have guessed from the above I'm not terribly enamoured of this set? The game claims to be for from two to five players, but it's one of those games where you have to have all the characters, all the baddies and all the little bits of paper in-play for it to work, so if less than five players start, some of them have to play multiple characters and there's tons of prep to sort out all the little paper bits, it's a marketing thing and frankly we have to start understanding there just isn't enough planet left for this kind of shit. Anyway; box-ticked.
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