Continuing with the various donations which have come back from London 'Taaarn' over the last few months, and we're back to August for this lot which all came from Peter Evans, so thanking him before we start, let's see what was in the bag!
An eclectic mix of figures we've probably seen before, with clockwise from the top left; Lido French Foreign Legion officer, Crescent for marked-Kellogg's medieval archer, astronaut (K&M I think?), Matchbox Adventure 2000 figure and the Corgi camper having a Barbecue!
In the centre a novelty, overmoulded guardsman with what seem to be a simlified SA80 (so quite modern), with two of the Hong Kong figures, copied from and sometime carried by cavendish Miniatures, and nice to get a loose Hourse Guard with his sword arm complete!
We looked at the main sets/games with show-jumping kit, not that long ago, well, just a year ago, so this will make a nice addition to that tub! I suspect it might be from a kid's magazine cover-gift, I occasionally see such things, but it's very well-made, and wile a bit small for something like Playmobil, could be from a Gymkhana by them?
Three ACW from Hong Kong, copies of Timpo 1st version figures, there are lots of these waiting final sorts (some cowboys and Indians recently came in, also from Peter, which should be in one of the later posts in this sequence), and the unusual aspect of this clean sample of one maker's stuff, is the pegs are still with the figures (which will help ID them) and the weapons match, despite being two colours, so a further ID'ing clue!
This is fun! Reasonable rendition of a Tricerotops, in the style of those Blue Box monsters from Gormiti, we looked at here at Small Scale World, a few years ago, but of a smaller finished size, it has a pop-together element with ball-&-socket hips, shoulders and tail section, anyone know the maker/set/line?
Two bags of small-scale, ancient, in the post-Giant Wild West (1960/70's) and more modern in the WWII figures - I seem to recall those quite good, near-28mm copies of Airfix were around in the 1990's?
A couple of 'clean' Britains farm animals, two Airfix babies and a couple of old Hong Kong copies of Britains (officer) and Crescent (damaged shorts guy), which will be sorted into the rest, where the shorts guy may be the only one in blue plastic, so stays until he's been sorted - a damaged sample is better than no sample!
An eclectic lot! At the bottom a set of Matchbox lumps from the 1990's, above them are a nice little cannon, probably from a quite juvenile mini-playset? With a Nottingham Mafia horse, home-painted, while at the top we have an Autobot/Transformer type thing, possibly a modern capsule toy, a Culpitt (and others) cake decoration Indian, and the Giraffe from the Tupperware alphabet blocks.
Modern animals, medium-small, but quite nicely done and probably from the same - yet to be identified - set, possibly a toob/tub thing?
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