Continuing with the look at Chris Smith's recent donation, and there were a number of vehicles or non-figural elements/items in the recent parcel from Chris, and they were next in the stack, so here they are!
The plastic armoured car is one of those really cheap rack-toy accessories from the 1970/80's, and may be missing the central pair of wheels, however I may have one in a similar condition (more chewed?) from where I can nick the missing wheels to make a whole sample!
The wooden one could be a wartime thing, but I suspect later, we had such things, made from off-cuts of 2x1 batten, which Dad was using on the roof of Tai-Hirion, the cottage he rebuilt from the ground, up. Ours weren't painted though, and had 5" nails as gun barrels! But I suspect that what we have here, is someone's once much-loved homemade toy, lost like ours, but saved, unlike ours!
Two guns, the one on the right probably from a big-box infant toy/play set type thing, maybe knights, maybe priates, the one on the left a similar source but more eco-friendly, being all-wood, and possibly somebody like Le Toy Van or ELC?
Vessels includes a hull for one of the Euro-premium ranges, there are tubs of them, with various hulls or superstructures waiting for their oppo', so a useful addition, likewise the two larger blow-moulds, which come in many colours with lots of plug-ins like the 1-Ton Humber truck sets, so again, all parts gratefully received, against future matching-up!
Two of the Christmas cracker/gum ball type micro-minis, and a possibly Hong Kong-made, demi-ronde sailing vessel, which is so similar to both some Euro-premiums, and some very early Airfix toys, which were sold in little cigarette packet type boxes, that it may be either? And being unmarked and painted in a fashion which could be 'home' or play-worn, it's not possible for me to say, with any conviction!
Three of the less-common HK copies of MPC mini-planes, in red, an Airfix spitfire, odd paper 'something flying' and more current rack-toy helicopter, are joined on the apron by several carrier Aircraft which I think are all Airfix - seven from the post-war HMS Victorious and one from the WWII HMS Ark Royal?
Micro's and mini's, we've seen similar before, and they all have bags or tubs of like-for-like matches, against better, future posts. Highlights here are a Lone Star land-rover in need of a wheel, a cereal-premium station-wagon, an early'ish Kinder jeep, in clip-together form, and another of the early board-game racing cars in some phenolic or formaldehyde polymer which leads to them always being distorted now.
Three motorcycles, two Kinder or similar, and a larger flywheel 'push-and-go' rack-toy type, useful for ID'ing another rider, of the type we always get in the unknown/minor makes, seated figures, shot!
"A place for everything, and everything in it's place", or at least it will be once I've got everything together for the final time; soon I hope! But there's a box of street furniture, a tub of telegraph poles and bags of luggage, small tools &etc.
The telegraph pole is very nice, and being around N-gauge compatible, and rather fine, but apparently having some age, a bit of a mystery? The suitcase will be The Lucky Toys or similar, the drum is Merit, and the water pump is probably another 'big-box' generic, but rather nice.
And the spinner is a cracker novelty, as may be the small hammer, but it could just as easily be an action-figure accessory, or even from one of those dime-store tow-trucks, two of which we've seen here now, I think?
There's also a huge blob of Blue-Tac somewhere with all the sand-castle flags standing in it, so these two Swedish standards will end-up there! Very useful treasure chest, to add to a growing sample of them, most ID'd but not all, and a weather vane which must be from a farm building, but who by I don't know, I don't think it's Britains or Timpo, so maybe New Ray or somebody like that? Maybe a stable-block?
Finally, a very useful sample of toy pistol ammunition, which will all be ID'd in the end, from catalogues or feeBay, and of which there will be a full post one day, as I have a whole bunch of these somewhere, including the Airfix and Lone Star SLR/FN bullets and so on.
The clip is quite small, and the slots would only accept the thin vinyl belts that tended to come with cheaper sets, the pricier stuff tending to leather or suede holsters/belts, however, it reminded me of 'S-Belts, or Snake-Belts (which it might fit over), belts that were ubiquitous when we were kids, but which seem to have totally disappeared? Our school uniform included one in 'claret & blue' which was useful when I ended-up supporting West Ham . . . long story for another day, and no, I don't know which league/division they are in at the moment, but they do seem to migrate regularly, like exotic ducks!
Thanks again to Chris for all this, it really is all very useful, and we will return to it all, again, in the future with fuller, subject-specific posts.
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