About Me

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No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

P is for Polymer Plunder Package - Civilians

OK, we're out of the gates and away, civilian stuff now, and again there are all sorts of interesting things here, not least a corporate-looking St. Mary of the Little Baby Jesus, Elon Musk (not!) and some magnetic policemen!

As with the previous lot, these loaded in an order other than I intended,so I just ran with it, I don't know what Blogger's playing at these days, but it randomly reverses the order sometimes or - occasionally - just re-assorts them!

The two on the left here are the pair I shot in a car park years ago, like 12/15 years ago, they came with a very cheap 'Disney' castle facade and have hollow-backs, but it's nice to have them in the collection, as I seem to recall the car-park photo-exercise was because of instant discarding!
The skipper is Tim Mee, and adds to a slowly growing sample of them, I think we've seen the boy with dog in butterscotch plastic, and I think a few others are in the sample now. The chap on the right looks like a family of such figures in several sizes carried by several big-names, both sides of the Channel about 20+ years ago, They will get their own page, but Tesco, Woolworths/Chad Valley, Welly and others carried them with 'in-house' die-cast vehicle sets

The 'casualty' is probably a plug-in mechanic/fuel-attendant, from a play-set's petrol pumps? But new to me - new to the Blog!
I thought, at first glance that this was Our Lady, Hail Mary, Mother of God (you'd think I were't Catholic huh?!!), but she has an automobile in relife, on her cloak, so I'm guessing she may be a corporate (probably American) mascot, once seen as a hood ornament, possibly, and may well be an annual-conference, or sales giveaway of some kind?
A couple of figures after Commonwealth, but possibly neither actually by them, the figure on the left is the paint-your-own from an outfit called Doll Bodies Inc., and their 32 Dolls of Far Away Lands painting set, but the detail is more sharply cut (in a cruder or harsher fashion) and the figure is a bit flashy, around the join-line, so although it looks like unpainted Commonwealth, it may be licensed, or duplicate tools?
While the other is a clear copy, the smoother ones are a little smaller and must have come from Hong Kong or Mexico, from whence they found their way to the antipodes, where Sanitarium probably had no relationship with Commonwealth at all?

A trio of cake decoration dolls/brides, I have a fair few of these somewhere, all a bit tatty because of the delicate polystyrene nature of them, and I have them in different sizes and with or without plastic bows or fabric-ribbon bows, but I didn't have any with different headdresses until these showed-up! We have bare-head (most of mine I think?) a brides veil and a sort of inverted flower-hat?
Big babies, and little ones! Mostly Thomas I think, some looking more like Marx land-fill figures from the colours! But the green one on the end is a Hong Kong copy of the Britains Hospital merternity-set one by the looks of it, and along with the fat kid next to him, is new to me, Blog and stash!
Oh, it's Elon Musk! No . . . no-no-no, he did it, not me, and he did it twice in case anyone missed it the first time! Buy a Te-SS-ler Swastikar and be a true Nazi! Really, he's reaching for his - probably red and white flamenco-dressed - paramour/dance partner, still to be found And she will be found, sooner or later, as you can't have missed how these terracotta figurines keep coming-in!
Along with the Policeman, he is missing a hat, but all the examples I've seen have black cartridge-paper hats, and I have lots of black cartridge-paper somewhere, so a mend will be done on both, and you won't know they've been repaired!

Bits of a Marx Miniature Masterpiece farm set I may also be able to restore somewhat at some point in the future, but you will know to look at it, as you can't really hide the ripped paper scenic-base, only try to go over it with fine coloured pencils, to hide the worst!
A pair of firemen/firefighters from HTI (Teamsters) I think and a policeman from 'unknown', all grist to the mill, and one day there will be A-Z pages on these specific, recurring subjects to ID as many as possible in one place!
These are an odd lot, as they have all got magnets attached, and while most of them were added by the owner to what seem to be the unpainted Wiking civilians, which came on strips as we saw right back at the beginning of this Blog, while I think the two painted summer-uniform ones were also Wiking, and have the same added magnets, the other two are unknown to me (Dutch, Danish or French?) and may have come with their magnets as part of a magnetic play set.
There seem to have been a few of them in 1950/60's Europe, I have images somewhere of a large Swiss or Austrian set with magnetic street-signs, trees, micro-vehicles, animals and people, along with buildings and roadway sections etc . . .And obviously the way to expand such a set is to add more magnets! Remember all those 45/55mm magnetic civilians which I picked up at a PW show a few years ago, some commercial, some home magnetised? A mystery anyway, and help needed ID'ing the uniformed officers!

More of the ever-enlarging sample of small semi-flat race-horses, they can't be from board games, as there are too many subtle pose variations, and plastic colours now, but they are still a mystery too. Park the thought, as I'll be mentioning them again when we get to the Wild West post.

Another, with plugs, so if not a board-game piece, maybe from a spinning-top or something? The painted huntsman may be a food/margarine premium, but has also had a magnet added, so will have come with the others, above, And three die-cast or other accessory figures, the Corgi milkman, an ice cream seller (Dinky or Spot On?) and a Gondolier!

Some real 'odds' here, with a homemade woollen doll, after or in the style of those Peruvian worry-dolls, a larger scale rider I've seen somewhere but can't place (she's about 60/65-mil) and a standard doll's house doll, of the knock-off Hong Kong variety.

A fair few interesting HO-OO model railway figures, which you aught to be able to ID from last year's posts, but I never finished that 'season' and meant to do so over the Christmas just gone, but didn't, and we never got round to the Merit Driving School post, so I'm going to draw a veil over these for now, and try to get the railway civilians finished in/by March? The lady on the green square is a clippie (conductor) from a London Bus, Corgi, I think!


Anonymous said...

The white Mary figure was sold as a dashboard icon. I have seen the same figure with a different (1950s) car pictured on her cape.

Hugh Walter said...

Brilliant Anon', and I should have considered that! Now Googled, and I've found a painted Mary, a Jesus, some St. Michael's and a whole shop-stock of St. Jude's, so clearly a future sub-branch of the biblical arm of the collection!