These were in some corner-shop a while ago, and I grabbed one of each, I dare say there are more in the set, and there are so many Dinosaurs out there, you never know if you're looking at all new stuff, or just re-branded stuff you've seen before?
To be fair, there aren't that many actually re-issues, as with the old 'army men' rack toys, most people seem to source something original, but one or two lines get more numerous clients. Equally, with these new (ish, they've been around for over a decade now) hollow, softish polyethylene figures, in two halves, they all look the same until you compare them, when they often turn-out to be new sculpts.
Paint is basic, compared to some of the rival products, but at a price-point of barely anything, that's hardly unexpected. Those WHSmith ones I was buying about 10/12 years ago, have had several re-issues (I saw them again the other day somewhere), but being higher production-values, they need a longer life to pay for themselves, profit-wise!
A reduced-scale sauropod and a nobbly kerthunkersaurus, BJ include a bog-standard palm tree, and the now almost de rigueur egg! The fact that any dinosaur in-scale with the two presented, trying to carry or pass that egg, would die, is apparently lost on the Toymen of China!
These seem to be very nice specimens.
For the intended price-point, they are very good Jan!
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