Quiz Time!
Look carefully at the following random
picture, and then answer the questions as honestly as you can, ticking one
box each time, with your answer -
Using only the men's* body language;
1 - Try to work out which of the two men in
this image is in charge of the situation?
□ A. The man on the left
B. The man on the right
2 - Which of these two men might have
compromising video-footage of the other man?
□ A. The man on the left
The man on the right
3 - Which of these two men is confident of
the validity of the vote that last got him elected/re-elected to high-office?
□ A. The man on the left
B. The man on the right
Mostly; A's - Thanks for trying, I think we
all know which way you voted in 2016. You can go back to cleaning your guns in
front of your wall-mounted entertainment centre while supping that weak, gassy,
Mostly B's - You knows it! You fuckin' know - the shit we're in!
* The use of 'man' or 'men' in this quiz is
for ease of identifying either one or both of two narcissistic, right-wing,
fascist bully-boys, happy to sacrifice their people's hopes or nation's
identities on the global stage in the search for personal aggrandisement in a
dying world.
Hugh this is fake news we all know that he was fairly elected and all the people put in prison were traitors As for Trump he is not looking happy because U.S.A. is not as democratic as Holy Russia. You know that when Emperor Boris ruler above all others comes to power you will be one of the first put up against the wall.
I know's it Jah, I know's it! But history is the slow progress of the Left against the might and money of the Right, so I comfort myself that my death will result is future statues to my stubborn martyrdom!
H (tongue firmly in cheek)
I feel a French like revolution may be in order.
His 'bestie buddy' Macron was calling 'whoa, time out!' on the new trade deal yesterday!
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