About Me

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No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

F is for Follow-up - GI Flats

Here's a fun one, ready to publish a while ago, but stuck in the long-queue for obvious reasons; forewarned is forearmed! Remember when we had a look at what used to be the Bonnie-Built flats which have grown to encompass all sorts of figure-issues, on three continents, in two sizes and several plastics . . . well, check these puppies out!

I found the Armoured Cars! Argo at Loeser's, was one of the two brands I added to the canon on that occasion, unlike TJF I don't brag 'Discovery' all the time (although I did brag a bit at the end, that time!), but whatever they are, whatever you want to call them, there have been plenty of them here, over the years, and this one - like the next - came from the late James Chase collection, back in 2005/6.
What is known in legal circles as a 'manuscript note', that is an unattributed (or handwritten) document or part document, usually undated, which nevertheless adds to the evidential 'bundle'. In this case, a newspaper cutting discussed in the previous post, as was the likely 'Loeser'.
The shot on the right was an accidental no-flash, which came out well-enough to give a better idea of the true or everyday colours, but has reflected off the rust to make the underside look far worse than it is!
I still need to find the Ambulance at some point, but it's nice to be able to explain the weird artwork in the advert to myself! Clearly some BB's are fed-in through the hole in the roof and the wheels drive a firing mechanism, spraying pellets all over the place - parents must have loved it!

I'm not 100% sure quite how that system works however, and when I have time at the other end, I will unfold the floor tabs and strip the spare olive-green-one down to see how it works, and decide whether or not they all need restoring, I suspect they might be jammed-up with old pellets! Or worse - Junior's 'replacement' pellets, whatever they turn out to be!

A reminder of the other figures I added to the canon in that post, the Spencer issue, as Jan put it so wonderfully at the time, 'Pancake Soldiers'! An image also from the Chase collection, and also disassembled in the previous post.
An image which aught to be exclusive to this Blog, as I scanned-it from the original cutting, cropped it, cleaned it up and produced a rich-text version of the blurb to accompany the finished image.
Over the intervening five-and-a-half years, since that previous post it's become pretty obvious all the Spencer's are Spencer Gifts, still extant with 600 outlets in North America (USA & Canada).
Which only leaves the question of why, after stealing the image from me, did Kent Sprecher decide to tell everyone they were English? Screen-cap above, he's probably got a Spencer's round the effing corner from where he's at!

Not 'British', not from the 'UK' but specifically; "English"? You need empirical evidence to make statements like that, and the only evidence we have here, is the phrase 'Corpsmen' and the Dollar price? Two very American things!
An image thief, AND stupid. He literally didn't even read the article he was stealing the image from - probably in a guilt-hurry to download the .jpg and get back to pretending he's never seen or found the blog!

He's had that up there for at least four five years (I published on the 16th October 2018, it was on his site by the 8th December, having not been there on the 8th November), completely made-up and false caption for an image he hasn't asked me for . . . and yet he's decided to get off the fence and take the gloves off, while TJF has weighed-in! Well, learn to take your spanking like a man, 'cos there's plenty more of it to come.

Later the same day - Oh what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive! Kent wants us to believe he got it from a sales list???
What a sales list from 1961, full of tons of similar rare stuff he hasn't shown us yet??? A sales list of images from my Blog? A modern sales list using complete imagery from 1961 newspapers he decided to crop identically to mine??? A Sales list that informed him England has a chain of shops called Spencer (maybe he's thinking of upmarket clothing retailer Marks & Sparks!), that operated in dollars??? Which he just happened to find days after I published??? How stupid does he think everyone else is?

All he needed to do to save some face was blame an anonymous contributor for sending it to him, and take it down with a mouth-drying apology, but no, he's chosen to double-down on his theft with a cockamamie stack of implausible horse-shit lying! In my book, someone who is a liar and a thief, is a crook. If you are not straight, you're crooked.


Kent Sprecher said...

I got the Bonnie Bilt image from an old sell sheet not from you. I did not say they were "English" but simply that they were sold in England at Spencer stores. I see you have copied my pictures without permission. You are a sad little man.

Hugh Walter said...

No, you stole my picture, I've screen-capped your website, the latter is legal, the former isn't, the image is identical to mine which came from the newspaper described last time, a catalogue/sales list would have different paper, don't take me for a fool Kent. English or England - you made stuff up!


Hugh Walter said...

You got it from a sales list but cropped it identically to match mine? How stupid do you idiots think we are?
