About Me

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No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Friday, November 19, 2021

C is for Confused!

Right I'm confused, I'm sure the image I posted a while back was from Andy B, I'm sure Chris Smith sent me stuff on the same subject, which may have included a catalogue and I'm sure I found a catalogue the other day as stuff was going to storage, but that's as far as my being 'sure' about anything goes . . . it's been a difficult year!

I have these four images, which are not titled in a way I would have titled them, so they must have been eMailed to me, probably by Andy B? But they could have come from Chris with the written stuff, or did Chris send me a catalogue and was it the one I found the other day meaning there may be another Hawkin's Bazaar shop catalogue somewhere?
I think it's easier to thank both Chris and Andy again, for all they did on Tobar/Hawkin's Bazaar, or as here Hawkin - Tobar (no apostrophe-'s', no Bazaar), and get the images up before my head explodes.
German Design & Control; German WWI; Hawkins Bazaar; Herr. Ingo Roggatz; Hong Kong; Ingo Roggatz's; Japanese Boat; Japanses Tin-Plate; Japanses Toy; Made in China; Miniature Push-Alongs; Motorbike; Nurnburg-Furth; Schylling; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Tin Plate; Tin Plate Robot; Tin Plate Robots; Tin Plate Toys; Tin Toy; Tin-Plate Mercedes Benz; Tin-Plate Novelties; Tin-Plate Spaceship; Tinplate Toys; Tobar; Tree-hangers; ZZ; ZZ Trade-Mark;
Showing mostly the larger stuff
German Design & Control; German WWI; Hawkins Bazaar; Herr. Ingo Roggatz; Hong Kong; Ingo Roggatz's; Japanese Boat; Japanses Tin-Plate; Japanses Toy; Made in China; Miniature Push-Alongs; Motorbike; Nurnburg-Furth; Schylling; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Tin Plate; Tin Plate Robot; Tin Plate Robots; Tin Plate Toys; Tin Toy; Tin-Plate Mercedes Benz; Tin-Plate Novelties; Tin-Plate Spaceship; Tinplate Toys; Tobar; Tree-hangers; ZZ; ZZ Trade-Mark;
The motorcycles are actually quite big, so having said earleir I would look out for them; I probably won't! All 'China' and I rather like the Romano-Crusader and I'll have to look for the drummer instead of the 'bikes!
German Design & Control; German WWI; Hawkins Bazaar; Herr. Ingo Roggatz; Hong Kong; Ingo Roggatz's; Japanese Boat; Japanses Tin-Plate; Japanses Toy; Made in China; Miniature Push-Alongs; Motorbike; Nurnburg-Furth; Schylling; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Tin Plate; Tin Plate Robot; Tin Plate Robots; Tin Plate Toys; Tin Toy; Tin-Plate Mercedes Benz; Tin-Plate Novelties; Tin-Plate Spaceship; Tinplate Toys; Tobar; Tree-hangers; ZZ; ZZ Trade-Mark;
Space stuff, some of these are 'full sized' replica's of yesteryear's toys, I rather like the two small robots though, 80mm's is not that big?
German Design & Control; German WWI; Hawkins Bazaar; Herr. Ingo Roggatz; Hong Kong; Ingo Roggatz's; Japanese Boat; Japanses Tin-Plate; Japanses Toy; Made in China; Miniature Push-Alongs; Motorbike; Nurnburg-Furth; Schylling; Small Scale World; smallscaleworld.blogspot.com; Tin Plate; Tin Plate Robot; Tin Plate Robots; Tin Plate Toys; Tin Toy; Tin-Plate Mercedes Benz; Tin-Plate Novelties; Tin-Plate Spaceship; Tinplate Toys; Tobar; Tree-hangers; ZZ; ZZ Trade-Mark;
A couple of Japanese made modern toys (but not Modern Toys), and the marked ZZ tree decorations, I must have cropped the top right image out for context last time and meant to do these later, but at the time? [Yes - he adds, ten minutes later - I meta-tagged all the model numbers for the core tree-decoration range last time!]
I should probably try to locate the water pump (farm) and there is a smaller motorcycle and side car, but then I said I'd look out for it didn't I . . . heehee!!
Andy, Chris - thanks guys, I'm sure you realise by now I'm a flaky, disorganised amateur, but we're getting there, with your help!


Andy B said...

They might be the ones I sent, though the scans look somewhat better than I usually do!
With all the stuff you juggle for your site, not surprised things get mislaid!

Stay safe.

Hugh Walter said...

I think they are probably yours as well Andy, but I'm now questioning if I saw another the other month while it was (in my memory) in my hands! Once I'm settled in a new place with everything sorted it'll all come together!


Terranova47 said...

Thank you for posting this catalogue. I've been the owner of TX507, TX513 & TX514 for over 20 years since these items flooded New York's stores. They were sold as ornaments not really being robust enough to be toys.

Hugh Walter said...

Cheers Terra', I've got the shot you sent, and will do a follow-up when a little something arrives from feebleBay!