I've been building up a small stash of
shelfies, with lots of help! And while they should have gone-up in August,
there's no hard and fast rules here at Small Scale World, so we'll have a quick
look now.
These are in Poundland at the moment . . . not unsurprisingly for a pa'nd! Three
versions of Buddha on the left, a piratey type, a gardener who had nearly sold
out and some white blob at the back which looks a bit Thai!
On the right a new collectable? She's
probably already sold-out, more pirates and three ger'nomes, two are off to
Pride, the third is a mermaid . . . how long before we have a limited-edition, chrome-plated, super-deform, angry-bird,
Star Wars, gay-pride, Funko-mini mermaid-gnome with troll hair Tamagotchi? It's only a matter of time peeps!
Redbox under their Motor
Max label, ID'ing a few of the many mechanics out there, this was in TKMaxx a while ago now, so will have
gone, but it'll be out there somewhere if you need it, I'll wait for the loose
figures to turn-up . . . thinks; might have a few already?
Couple more from TKMaxx, the Siku 8x8 swamp-hog is about 25/28mm compatible, and
would seem to need a matt khaki re-spray and a recoilless rifle or ATGM
mounting! The other Redbox has no figures either, but was interesting for being
credited to the French Motormax Toy 'Factory' in Villepinte (my qoutes), via
the 200 Horton Road, Middlesex office (UK) but 'manufactured' by RBI (Redbox International) in Rialto, California, yet "MADE IN CHINA"! Ultimately
it's all Tai Sang!
These came from Brian Berke, our roving
reporter in New York, rather at the infant end of the spectrum, the one on the
left though has nice, realistic fire appliances (quite collectable) with
deformed mini-vehicles you think must be from another line! While I'm strangely
drawn to the three slightly deformed mini-AFV's on the otherwise aircraft card
- just the sort of stuff which turns-up in mixed lots at car-boot sales or
Also from Brian came this Mexican,
traditional style bagged rack-toy with header card and a collection of Marx 3" copy figures and various
(non-Marx?) accessories. It might
have a bit of age, but a lot of that Mexican stuff turns-up on evilBay, issued
by KiKo or Ki-Ko (aren't they the people who did the licensed version of
Arfix's Robin Hood play-set in the 1980's?
). There's a yellow canoe in the Tee-Pee, which will return to
the Blog soon . . . 'ish . . . I hope! It's my bad!
Peter Evans sent us this one at the beginning of September (where did that month go?), via Faceplant messages,
so it would have missed RTM ayway, shot at the Gift and Promotional show in
Birmingham the other month. A mix of stuff, some of which we've seen before.
Nothing special, but the stone towers with their
industrial-looking doors might make a useful sci-fi accessory, suitably
repainted, and there is a couple of new trucks and some M60's with ERA if I'm not
mistaken? I don't know who's carrying it, but at two quid wholesale, it
shouldn't be more than £3.50/£3.99 when you find it?
Thanks to both Brian and Peter for the contributions,
shelfies sorted, still out there now!
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