not a code name, not a stock designation, not a NATO reporting-code, but what
the inventor bought from a garden centre (an electric wheelbarrow) as the basis
for his live-saving remote-controlled bomb-disposal 'contraption' . . . could
have called it that! That would be very 'steam-punk' wouldn't it . . . "Bring forth the Mark One Contraption, Caruthers!"
A six part kit, left on the runner which was
slipped into the box for assembly at home and sold with Dinky's 604 Land Rover Bomb
Disposal Unit. Assembly which while pretty simple still required the lining
up of both pairs of wheels while attaching the track/running-gear parts.
More on 'wheelbarrow' at wikipedia;
Roughly the right size for Elastolin and similar "40mm" figures and 1/43 is a popular diecast scale.
Of course some manufacturers seem to be afraid of being compatible with possible competition.
I know Ross, but the rest of their military range was supposed to be 1:59th (1e 1:60) or something!
Hi - is this kit available for sale?
Err, not from me, you'd need to find a mint example of the Land Rover from Dinky, on evilBay or at a die-cast auction at say; Vectis or SAS.
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