Foreign Terms Encountered and Their Meanings
This is very much a work in progress and I would be most appreciative of any suggestions additions or corrections.
They can be emailed to me at
It would be particularly helpful if someone from Russia or a Russian speaking country, the Low Countries or Scandinavia could contribute.
Words or phrases can include antiques and collectables, toys; vintage and modern, collecting, renovating, modelling and common names of ranges or characters that vary or translate very differently.
As well as helping you to browse foreign web-pages and sites, the list should also help with non-English auction sites such as Todocoleccion.
1ère - French = First
2ème, 3ème...- French = Second, third etc...
2ème, 3ème...- French = Second, third etc...
Abteilung - German = Department
Abre-te Sésamo - Portuguese = Sesame Street
Alliage - French = Alloy
Alter - German = Old / Vintage
Alter - German = Old / Vintage
Anime - Japanese = Sci-fi and Fantasy animated films and/or TV serials
Ani-manga - Japanese = Comics produced from animated movie/TV cells/stills
Angestrichen mit der Hand - German = Hand painted
Antiquité - French = Antique
Anuncio - Spanish = announcement (as in; commercial/TV advert)
Anuncio - Spanish = announcement (as in; commercial/TV advert)
Argent - French = Silver
Army Men - American = 'Rack-toy' soldiers
Ataman - Russian = Senior Officer (of Cossacks)
Ataman - Russian = Senior Officer (of Cossacks)
Atelier - French = Studio
Atiradore - Portuguese = Sharpshooter (sniper, see also Cacadore)
Atiradore - Portuguese = Sharpshooter (sniper, see also Cacadore)
Bank - American = Money box
Barco/s - Spanish = Boat/s, Ship/s, Vessel/s
Besteuern sie Steuer - German = Excise tax
Blanche neige - French = Snow White
Blanche neige - French = Snow White
Blei - German = Lead
Bleifrei - German = Lead-free
Bleisoldaten - German = Lead Soldier, specifically solids
Boeki / Boueki - Japanese = Trade / Trading
Boeki / Boueki - Japanese = Trade / Trading
Bombero/Bomberos - Spanish = Fire Service / Brigade / Firemen
Bonecos - Portuguese = Premiums
Brevets - French = Patented
Brevets - French = Patented
Brinde - Portuguese = Brand (make, mark)
BSW - German = Brettspielwelt (board gaming website)
BTES - French = Brevetés (patented)
Burenkrieg - German = Boar War
Burgerkrieg - German = Civil War
Buriki - Japanese = Tin-plate
Cacadore - Portuguese = rifleman
BSW - German = Brettspielwelt (board gaming website)
BTES - French = Brevetés (patented)
Burenkrieg - German = Boar War
Burgerkrieg - German = Civil War
Buriki - Japanese = Tin-plate
Cacadore - Portuguese = rifleman
Cadeau - French = Gift / present
Cartaz - Portuguese = Chart / poster
Caixa - Portuguese = Carton (box, packaging)
Camions - French = Lorry Truck
Camions - French = Lorry Truck
Casa de Munecas - Spanish = Doll's house
CE - French = [now;] Conformité Européenne (European Conformity), [ formaly;] Communauté Européenne (European Community)
CE - French = [now;] Conformité Européenne (European Conformity), [ formaly;] Communauté Européenne (European Community)
Celluloïd - French = celluloid
Chars d'assaut - French = Tank
Chats - French = Cats
Chars d'assaut - French = Tank
Chats - French = Cats
Chogokin - Japanese = Super Alloy
Chicle - Spanish = Gum (chewing or bubble...)
Chiens - French = Dogs
Chinoises - French = Chines / Asian
Chiens - French = Dogs
Chinoises - French = Chines / Asian
Colecção - Portuguese = Collection
Composee - French = Composition
Conquête de l'ouest - French = conquest of the wild-west
Contes et légendes - French = Myths and Legends
Crèche de Noël - French = Nativity Scene
Conquête de l'ouest - French = conquest of the wild-west
Contes et légendes - French = Myths and Legends
Crèche de Noël - French = Nativity Scene
Cristallerie - French = Glass factory
Cromos - Spanish / Portuguese = Collectors cards (or stickers, literally; 'printed')
Cuivre - French = Copper
Cuivre Jaune - French = Brass [light-copper]
Dai-kaiju - Japanese = Giant monster
Decore a la Main - French = Hand decorated
Dekakeshi / Deka Keshi - Japanese = Large Keshi
Decore par... - French = Decorated by...
Demi-rond - French = Semi-flat
Dep. - (1) German = Deponiert (registered design)
DEP / Dep. - (2) French = Déposé (registered design)
Depose - Italian = Registered Design
DEP / Dep. - (2) French = Déposé (registered design)
Depose - Italian = Registered Design
Département de Douanes - French = Customs department (equivalent of HMRC / IRS)
DGMSch. - German = Deutsche Gebrauchs Musterschutz (claim to a registered
Dimestore Toy - American - Penny toy
DIN - German = Deutsches Institut für Normung = German Institute for Normalisation (German Standards Institute, not 'German Industry Number' and not 'Deutsche Industrienorm' = German Industry Standard)
Dinkosak - German - Don Cossack
DIN - German = Deutsches Institut für Normung = German Institute for Normalisation (German Standards Institute, not 'German Industry Number' and not 'Deutsche Industrienorm' = German Industry Standard)
Dinkosak - German - Don Cossack
Disvenda - Portuguese - Vended toy
Drapier - French = Draper (tailor, clothier)
DRGM - German = Deutsches Reich Gebrauchs Muster (German; registered design - indicates a unique feature, a little patent, 'in-use model')
DRMR - German = Deutsches Reich Muster Rolle (State protected patent)
DRP - German = Deutsches Reichspatent (State patent)
DRPA - German = Deutesches Reich zum Patent Angemeldet (State patent applied for)
Du monde - French = The World
DX - Japanese = Deluxe (abbreviation of the English word)
DRGM - German = Deutsches Reich Gebrauchs Muster (German; registered design - indicates a unique feature, a little patent, 'in-use model')
DRMR - German = Deutsches Reich Muster Rolle (State protected patent)
DRP - German = Deutsches Reichspatent (State patent)
DRPA - German = Deutesches Reich zum Patent Angemeldet (State patent applied for)
Du monde - French = The World
DX - Japanese = Deluxe (abbreviation of the English word)
Email - French = Enamel or generally; paint
Embouts de crayon - French = pencil toppers
Embouts de crayon - French = pencil toppers
Etain - French = Tin
Et Fils - French = ...and Son/s
Etats Unis - French = United States [of America]
Exciser l'impôt - French = Excise tax
Exportation - French = Export
Fabrique par... - French = Manufactured by...
FIDE - French = Fédération Internationale des Échecs (the World Chess Federation)
Ferme - French = Farm
FIA - French = Fédération Aéronautique International (the World
Aeronautical Federation) FIDE - French = Fédération Internationale des Échecs (the World Chess Federation)
Figuras - Portuguese / Spanish = Figures
Figura Articulada - Portuguese = Articulated figure (Action figure)
Figuras Promocionales - Spanish = Publicity Figures
Figurine - French = Figure / Figurine
Figurine Publicitaire - French = Publicity figure; premium / give-away (also; Jouets Primes)
Frankreich - German = France
Französische - German = French
Französische - German = French
Gangu - Japanese = Toy
Gashapon / Gachapon - Japanese = Capsule toys.
Gattai - Japanese = Combination
Gebrudern - German = Brothers
Gelados - Portuguese = Ice cream
Ges, Gesch. - German = Gesetzlich Geschützt (registered design)
Ges, Gesch. - German = Gesetzlich Geschützt (registered design)
Glashuttenwerk - German = Glass-works / crafters
Glassmanufaktur - German = Glass manufacturer / factory
GM - German = Geschmackmuster (protected patent)
GMS - German = Gebrauchs Muster Schutz (protected patent)
GM - German = Geschmackmuster (protected patent)
GMS - German = Gebrauchs Muster Schutz (protected patent)
Gokin - Japanese = Alloy
Goma - Spanish = Rubber (covers PVC and silicone synthetics)
Gott / Gottin - German = God / Godess
Gott / Gottin - German = God / Godess
Grand Magasin - French = Department store
Grosspackung - German = Box / Container / Outer Packing
Grosspackung - German = Box / Container / Outer Packing
Halbplastisch Figuren - German = Semi-flat figure
Haustiere - German = Domestic Animals (lit; House Nature/House Life)
Haustiere - German = Domestic Animals (lit; House Nature/House Life)
Henkei - Japanese = Mechanical-transformation (a robot or vehicle transforming)
Henshin - Japanese = Living-transformation (the act of turning from a human into a superhero)
Hochfeine - German = Fine quality / high quality
Hohlguss Figuren - German = Hollow-cast figure
Impôt - French = Tax
Inconnue - French = Unknown
Industria Argentina - Hispanic - Made in Argentina
Industria Brazilia - Hispanic - Made in Brazil
Jagdtiere - German = Game (lit; Hunt Nature / Hunt Life)
Inconnue - French = Unknown
Industria Argentina - Hispanic - Made in Argentina
Industria Brazilia - Hispanic - Made in Brazil
Jagdtiere - German = Game (lit; Hunt Nature / Hunt Life)
Jeu - French = Game
Joaillier - French = Jeweller
Jouet - French = Toy
Jouets d'un sou - French = Penny toy
Jouets Primes - French = Premiums; Freebies/Giveaways (also; Figurines Publicitaire)
Jugendstil - Germany / Scandinavia = Young Style (Art Nouveau Movement)
Juguete/s - Spanish = Toy/s
Juwelier - German = Jeweller
Kaiju / Dai-kaiju - Japanese = Monster / Giant-monster
Kaisergarde - German = Kings Guard (Royal Guard)
Kaisergarde - German = Kings Guard (Royal Guard)
Kaugummi - German = Cow-gum (chewing gum)
Keshi / Keshigomu - Japanese = Keshi gum (rubber eraser, now used for small figure)
KHW - German = Kriegshilfswerk (War-bond Tokens)
Kinzoku - Japanese = Metal
Kinzoku - Japanese = Metal
Kiosko / Kioskeros - Spanish = [toy/s] From the kiosk/s (tobacconists stands)
Kogyo / Kougyou - Japanese = Industrial Enterprise
König - German = King
Konvolut - German = Mixed Lot
Kougei - Japanese = Crafts, Handicrafts
Kogyo / Kougyou - Japanese = Industrial Enterprise
König - German = King
Konvolut - German = Mixed Lot
Kougei - Japanese = Crafts, Handicrafts
Kriegshilfswerk - German = War-help work (war-bond tokens)
Kristall - German = Crystal
Kunststoff - German = Plastic / synthetic / synthetic material
Kupfer - German = Copper
Livre de la Jungle - French = the Jungle Book
Manège enchanté - French = Magic Roundabout
Livre de la Jungle - French = the Jungle Book
Manège enchanté - French = Magic Roundabout
Manga - Japanese = Comics (specifically) and animated film
Marioneta - Spanish = Marionette
Marretas - Portuguese = Puppets / Muppets
Masse - German = Composition
Masse Figuren - German = Composition Figure
Matiere Composee - French = Composition material
Métal - French = Metal
Millésime - French = Vintage
Mis - Spanish = My (as in mis creaciones; my creations = 'my models')
Monde perdu - French = Jurassic Park
Mis - Spanish = My (as in mis creaciones; my creations = 'my models')
Monde perdu - French = Jurassic Park
Monocromáticos - Portuguese = Monochromes (single colour figures, commonly premiums)
Moyen-âge - French = Medieval / Middle-ages
Moyen-âge - French = Medieval / Middle-ages
Muñeca - Spanish = Doll / manikin
Muñeco - Spanish = Action figure / male doll
Muñeca de Peluche - Spanish = Stuffed / soft toy
NG - German = Neugeborenes (newborn baby - infant/baby doll)
Nihon - Japanese = Japan
Nippon - Japanese = Japan
NN - Latin = Nomen Nescio (name unknown, lit.; Not Known)
Nordstaaten - German = Northern States (ACW Union forces, also; Unionstruppen)
Normalgröße / Normalgrösse - German = Standard Size
NG - German = Neugeborenes (newborn baby - infant/baby doll)
Nihon - Japanese = Japan
Nippon - Japanese = Japan
NN - Latin = Nomen Nescio (name unknown, lit.; Not Known)
Nordstaaten - German = Northern States (ACW Union forces, also; Unionstruppen)
Normalgröße / Normalgrösse - German = Standard Size
Omocha - Japanese = Toy
Or - French = Gold
Orfevre - French = Silversmith
Osito de Peluche - Spanish = Teddy bear
Os Três Porquinhos - Portuguese = The Three Little pigs
Pakungen - German = Sets (lit; 'Packages ' or; 'Packings')
Pakungen - German = Sets (lit; 'Packages ' or; 'Packings')
Pantera Cor de Rosa - Portuguese = The Pink Panther
Papier Figuren - German = Paper figure
Papier Mâché - French = Chewed Paper (Papier mâché)
Papier Mâché - French = Chewed Paper (Papier mâché)
Papierstoff - German = Papier mâché
Pasta - Italian = Composition
Pasta - Italian = Composition
Peint à la Main - French = Hand painted
Peluche - French / Spanish - Soft Toy (from whence the awful 'plush')
Personnages - French = Characters
Pfadfinder - German = Pathfinder (also; Boy Scouts)
Personnages - French = Characters
Pfadfinder - German = Pathfinder (also; Boy Scouts)
Pfennigartikel - German = Penny toy
Pintado - Portuguese = Painted
Planos - Spanish = Flat [figure]
Planos - Spanish = Flat [figure]
Plástico - Portuguese / Spanish - Plastic
Plástico Inflado - Spanish - Blow-moulding
Plástico Inflado - Spanish - Blow-moulding
Plastique - French = Plastic
Plastik Figuren - German = Plastic figure
Plomb - French = Lead
Porcelaine Fabrique - French = Porcelain factory
Porte-clefs - French = key ring
Porte-clefs - French = key ring
Porzellanfabrik - German = Porcelain factory
Publicidad - Spanish = - Publication (check-list, catalogue)
Publicidade - Portuguese = Publication (check-list, catalogue)
PZG - Polish = Polski Zwiazek Gluchych - Polish Union of the Deaf (made toy soldiers)
Ritter - German = Knight
Ritterturnier - German = Knights Tournament (Jousting)
Robin des bois - French = Robin [Hood, of Sherwood] Forest
Rückseite - German = Back / Reverse [of object] / Back-page
Rundlutscher / Rund Lutscher - German = Round Lollipop (sugar-candy, stick-lollipop)
PZG - Polish = Polski Zwiazek Gluchych - Polish Union of the Deaf (made toy soldiers)
Ritter - German = Knight
Ritterturnier - German = Knights Tournament (Jousting)
Robin des bois - French = Robin [Hood, of Sherwood] Forest
Rückseite - German = Back / Reverse [of object] / Back-page
Rundlutscher / Rund Lutscher - German = Round Lollipop (sugar-candy, stick-lollipop)
Rundplastische - German = Formed 'in-the-round'
S - German = Springer (Jumper, chess notation, alternate for knight)
S - German = Springer (Jumper, chess notation, alternate for knight)
Saltar a Cuerda - Spanish = Jumping / skipping-rope
Sammler - German = Collector (Sammlung = Collection)
Sangyou - Japanese = Industry
Sans Garantie du Governement - French = [registered patent] Without Government Guarantee
Secession - Austria = Art Nouveau Movement
Seisakusho - Japanese = works, factory, plant
Sammler - German = Collector (Sammlung = Collection)
Sangyou - Japanese = Industry
Sans Garantie du Governement - French = [registered patent] Without Government Guarantee
Secession - Austria = Art Nouveau Movement
Seisakusho - Japanese = works, factory, plant
Sentai - Japanese = Battle Team (a group of - usually - kids battling robots, monsters or aliens)
Sezessionskrieg - German = War of Secession / Independence (see also; Burgerkrieg)
SGDG - French = Sans Garantie du Governement ([registered patent] without government guarantee)
Sezessionskrieg - German = War of Secession / Independence (see also; Burgerkrieg)
SGDG - French = Sans Garantie du Governement ([registered patent] without government guarantee)
Shoten - Japanese = Shop, Store or Business Firm
Shouji - Japanese = Commercial Affairs
Shoukai - Japanese = Firm, Company
Shouji - Japanese = Commercial Affairs
Shoukai - Japanese = Firm, Company
Silber - German = Silver
Sin Identificar - Spanish = without Indentification/unidentified
Sin Identificar - Spanish = without Indentification/unidentified
Sobre / Sobres - Spanish = Surprise envelope (lucky-bag)
Soldado / Soldaditos- Spanish = Soldier / Soldiers
Soldado de Juguete - Spanish = Toy Soldier
Soldat - French = Soldier
Soldat d'Aluminium - French = Aluminium soldier
Soldat de demi Ronde Bosse - French = Semi-flat soldier
Soldat de Carte - French = Paper soldie
Soldat de Matiere Plastique - French = Plastic figure
Soldat de Plomb Plein - French = 'Plain lead soldier', specifically a solid or fully round hollow-cast figure
Soldat de Plomb Ronde Bosse - French = 'Round-bossed lead soldier', specifically a solid
Soldat d'etain - French = Tin soldier, specifically a 'flat'
Soldat en Matiere Composee - French = Composition toy soldier
Soldat en Plomb Creux - French = Hollow-cast lead soldier
Sorpresa - Spanish = Surprise (contents of Sobre)
SP - Polish = Spoldzielnia Produkcyjna - Collective Factory (or Farm ie; 'Production Works')
Spielfiguren - German = Toy Figures
Spitztüte - German = Pointed Bag (paper, for Wundertüten)
SP - Polish = Spoldzielnia Produkcyjna - Collective Factory (or Farm ie; 'Production Works')
Spielfiguren - German = Toy Figures
Spitztüte - German = Pointed Bag (paper, for Wundertüten)
ST - Japan = Safety toy (meaning a 'safe toy')
Stab - German = Staff
Stabsoffizier - German = Staff Officer
Stab - German = Staff
Stabsoffizier - German = Staff Officer
Steingurfabrik - German = Stoneware factory
Stile Liberty - Italian - liberty Style (Art Nouveau Movement)
Sudsstaatler - German = Southern States (ACW Confederate forces, also; Konföderierten)
Stile Liberty - Italian - liberty Style (Art Nouveau Movement)
Sudsstaatler - German = Southern States (ACW Confederate forces, also; Konföderierten)
Tcheqoslovaquie - French = Czechoslovakia
Titelbild - German = Front Page
Titelbild - German = Front Page
Tokusatsu - Japanese = Special Photography
Traduction - French - Translation
Tschechoslowake - German = Czechoslovakia
Traduction - French - Translation
Tschechoslowake - German = Czechoslovakia
Übersetzung - German = Translation
Vendeur - French = Seller
Verboten - German = Prohibited
Verrier - French = Glass-worker
Verrerie - French = Glass works factory
Vertrieb - German = Marketing
Vorderseite - German = Front / Obverse [of object]
Vve. - French = Veuve (widow)
Waschbar - German = Washable
Weichplastik - German = Soft Plastic
Weichlot - German = Soft Solder
Weichmacher - German = Plasticizer
Vorderseite - German = Front / Obverse [of object]
Vve. - French = Veuve (widow)
Waschbar - German = Washable
Weichplastik - German = Soft Plastic
Weichlot - German = Soft Solder
Weichmacher - German = Plasticizer
Werbefiguren - German = Publicity figure / premium / give-away
Werkstatte - German = Workshop/studio
WHW - German = Wintershilfswerk (Winter-aid Tokens)
Wintershilfswerk - German = Winter-aid Tokens
Wundertüte / Wundertüten - German = Wonder Bag / Bag of Wonders (the Spitztüte your little toys and sweets come in; 'bag o' miracles')
Wundertüte / Wundertüten - German = Wonder Bag / Bag of Wonders (the Spitztüte your little toys and sweets come in; 'bag o' miracles')
Yuusha - Japanese = Brave
Z - German = Zinn (tin - often and with flats; meaning lead or pewter)
z - German = Zentimeters (centimetres)
Zavod - Russian = Factory / Works
Z - German = Zinn (tin - often and with flats; meaning lead or pewter)
z - German = Zentimeters (centimetres)
Zavod - Russian = Factory / Works
Zelluloid - German = Celluloid
Zettel - German = Label
Zinn - German = Tin or Pewter
Zinnfiguren - German = Tin Figure, specifically 'flats'
Zollabteilung - German = Customs department
Zootiere - German = Wild Life (lit; Zoo Nature/Zoo Life)
ZUP - Polish = Zashrzezony Urdedzie Patentowym - Pattern registered at the patent office
Zootiere - German = Wild Life (lit; Zoo Nature/Zoo Life)
ZUP - Polish = Zashrzezony Urdedzie Patentowym - Pattern registered at the patent office