Guy Venables in The Metro . . .
Beyond the jokes is the realisation that everything which has happened since Thatcher/Ragan (1979/80) has taken us back to where we were in 1939/40, the Right on the rise everywhere, nations ignoring international or pan-national treaties to vie for power and influence, a fascist state (Israel) exterminating a populace (the Palestinians) they have passed dozens of discriminatory laws (72 I believe) against, while the populations' recovering from a decade of austerity following the failure of the money markets, are going to be expected to fight and die in a probably global war, to keep the 'Rich & Powerful' wealthy and in power. While the League of . . . sorry, 'United' Nations becomes an irrelevance, and international courts are ignored by the people who set them up.
World War I Indian Army 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🪷🪷🪷
19 minutes ago
Until about three months ago I had never watched GB News. Now I am addicted to is awful beyond belief. No attempt at impartiality and really some half baked racism and prejudice.
This I fear is a real danger. The Internet told us wrongly that opinions were the same as facts.
I am glad I am so old that I won't be around when it gets a lot worse....
Me too John, me too. 15-years to finish the Blogs, and then let the whole thing go to hell in a handcart, it's no co-incidence that the day after the ICJ found Israel answerable to charges of genocide, all the supporters of Israel, including the UK have jumped on the pull-the-aid-from-bad-UN bandwagon . . . It's shocking where we are going, and where the media is allowing us to be taken.
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