About Me

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No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

W is for Will Nobody Rid Me of This Turdulent Prick!

Oh, bless his little cotton-socks, Paul ‘The Jabbering Fuck’ Stadinger has found time in his busy schedule of dying noisily to have another pop at me! Let’s read what pearls of wisdom he managed to pull from that cesspit of a creative mind of his, and then I deal with it in my usual inimitable fashion . . .

“The sad egotist fool is on a rage rampage. He is upset that people are supposedly copying his material. Naturally, Erwin and I are at the top of his hate list. Erwin and I just laugh at his vitriol attacks. I look at his website for laughs. Occasionally, he makes such an egregious error I have to make a comment. One such error was when he listed a Remco Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea as a 20,000 Leagues figure. It took him several weeks to respond. He admitted he was wrong and blamed it on a brain freeze.

He then talked about the Remco Lost in Space Board Game. He had another brain freeze not noting the game pieces were pantographed down copies of the figure on the left. Another brain freeze when he listed a lead Johillco Roman as a Greek warrior. I wish his “loyal followers ” would send him corrections so I would not have to waste time posting them on my site. Oh, he has a third brain freeze which I will let him find. If he does not find it I will give him a hint at the Plastic Warrior Show.”

I would like to thank Kent Sprecher for the use of the above photo.”

So, we’ll do it again, line be line;

“The sad egotist fool is on a rage rampage. The word he is struggling to find is - of course - 'egotistic' or ‘egotistical’ (illiteracy, always was his strong-point!), and he’d be better with a mirror to spot one of those, he oozes self-importance like an overripe mango! He is upset that people are supposedly copying his material. I wouldn’t say I’m upset, I’m annoyed, wouldn’t you be if a retail magazine was using you for its main editorial ideas, if a blog you’d been friendly with for 15-years began parking it’s tanks on your lawn, because they’ve run out of ideas, and they have, seen what they’ve posted recently? Naturally, Erwin and I are at the top of his hate list. Errr, no they aint! I barely mention them these days, except in passing, or - like the other day - as part of a list of miscreants in the hobby of whom he and his self-abusing monkey are a small part now, almost an irrelevance! Erwin and I just laugh at his vitriol attacks. 'vitriolic’ Christ! Don’t use words you don’t understand! I look at his website for laughs. I’m glad to be providing them with some light-relief; they seem to have so little of it in their lives. Occasionally, he makes such an egregious error I have to make a comment. “Egregious”, ladies and gentlemen (Outstandingly bad; shocking), my crime is so severe he’s got the thesaurus out! One such error was when he listed a Remco Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea as a 20,000 Leagues figure. It took him several weeks to respond. He admitted he was wrong and blamed it on a brain freeze.

Now, this one’s interesting, I posted my ‘criminal error’ on the 28th May 2021, I believe the turd-like entity responded within the hour “The skin diver is from the Remco Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. Photo is from Kent Sprecher's site.” And I replied within a few minutes “Whatever!” and it’s still there, on the Faceplant group, so no admittance of anything, and it didn’t take several weeks! That’s a Trump trick, to pronounce a complete lie (or two) as complete fact/s! The little liar!

He then talked about the Remco Lost in Space Board Game. He had another brain freeze not noting the game pieces were pantographed down copies of the figure on the left.

Well, where does egregiousness come into it? Here’s the post, last image down the article;


Are you struggling to notice that the fifth figure from the left (second from the right, yellow) is considerably smaller, and less detailed than the metallic blue one to its right? No, neither was I, and I didn’t think, I couldn't imagine, that you might/would need to be spoon-fed such an obvious detail?

What I said was "...a slightly damaged Lost in Space original, also Remco, in yellow" a wholly accurate description of the figure? He's calling me 'egregious' because I didn't say something? But, as I’ve pointed out before, these critics of mine hold me to a higher standard, than they hold themselves or each-other, And if you can’t get me for something I’ve genuinely got wrong, get me for something I omitted!

What an egregious sinner I am, what a fucking criminal mastermind I must be, to so deliberately withhold data from you, in the hope you will all remain wallowing in your pitiful ignorance, a pitiful ignorance, entirely of my own nefarious design, because I didn't tell you something! Bwahahaha!

And here's the thing, this is his only 'victory' in seven years, I got the name of a movie wrong? On another contry's production, of what I call 'diecast accessories'. I.E., not part of a recognised range or line of toy soldiers or model figures, but a couple of play set enhancers, from an importer/jobber, I just can't get that excited about periferal figures of a rip-off movie! AND, having corrected me he 'failed' to mention the board game so I had to 'discover' that, for us! It's all very childish, isn't it?

Another brain freeze when he listed a lead Johillco Roman as a Greek warrior.

Again, here’s the post;


Now, it won’t escape you notice it’s a post about fucking Vikings, not John Hill’s output! Further, I didn’t tell you about the scarecrows, or the anvil, does that make me more egregious, or does it, according to the rules he’s establishing as he goes, vomiting words uncontrollably, actually make TJF egregious, for not explaining them all to us?!!! The man’s the fucking cock-sucking, arse-bubbles of a tick-turds wet underpants!

I have explained, in several show reports, that I’m buying this cheap (50p/£1 rummage tray) lead stuff, against future posting, there’s all sorts in there, Crescent, Charbens, Britains cheap lines, Reka . . . whoever (one of the scarecrows is Wend-Al), and I’m sure that when, or, if . . . IF I ever post the Johillco Romans I will point out the anomalous figure who, wearing a smooth cuirass and greaves , while carrying - an admittedly small - round ‘Hoplon’ shield, looks more Greek to me, and I didn’t ‘list’ it, I mentioned it conversationally, on my way to introducing the fucking Vikings! And again, holding me to a higher account because I couldn’t be arsed to peruse Joplin’s tome, for an hour or two, to correctly ID everything!??

Understand this;

In December I posted a hundred articles, with fifty this month already, so, as these ‘egregious’ sins have been committed within that time, that’s a theoretical fail-rate of . . . 2-point-something%, not quite 3%? Right?

Mr. I’m-as-thick-as-pig-shit-if-not-thicker-Stadinger, has managed two posts in January (4% of my output), and got to the heady total of nine ‘articles’ in December (less than 10% of my output), a month which he bookended, by being corrected on;

  •        December 2nd  - by Steve Zobel after he misidentifies Helmet spares as Historex!
  •        December 26th - by Deadleaf Hairband on misidentification of Torgano as Manurba!

Are these not - in his eyes - 'Egregious' sins? They seem worse ‘brain freezes’ than mine? The man is a semi-literate, bullshitting, self-important, arsehole. Period. He is an increasing irrelevance to the hobby, and his contribution was always over-inflated, by him, as much as by anyone else. And a fail-rate of nearly 20% . . . to my less than 3%?

When this turd of a man stops making basic errors, every few posts (some howlers in October/November, I think he was corrected by his mates three times in one post) he can start telling me what I omitted to add!

And when I say ‘articles’, he re-posts new-production from the companies websites and gives us the odd loose figure., usually from a narrow band of 54-60mm. Those blue Arab things, he's shown us them twice in less than a month, they're on the company's own website, it's pointless drivel.

I wish his “loyal followers ” would send him corrections so I would not have to waste time posting them on my site. Hahahahahahahaha, that’s the sound of pomposity, ladies and gentlemen, there’s your ‘egotist’! Oh, he has a third brain freeze which I will let him find. If he does not find it I will give him a hint at the Plastic Warrior Show.”

Oh will he? Yawn! If it's as 'egregious' as the other (he's not sure on his counting either, is he?) three, it'll be a flea-bite on the arse of an elephant. At the last show, he sat in the corner, near me, looking rather tragic, like a melting turd, and I was far too busy with all the comings & goings, meetings & calling’s away, catching-up’s  and helping my mate, to be remotely bothered by that husk of a former man!

He had tried to have a pop when I walked past him a few years earlier, before Covid, but I ignored him. he emailed me later and accused me of 'running scared'!! It is the best show on earth, and I won’t let his tiny-little mind, spoil it for anyone else, including myself.

If he wants to start something, I’ll meet him in the car-park and he’ll probably die before I lay a finger on him, because he’s a walking heart-attack waiting to happen, and he’s walking in a circle because he’s already got one foot in the grave. Fuckwit, don’t talk the talk, if you can’t walk the walk!

I would like to thank Kent Sprecher for the use of the above photo.”

Yeah, because it’s the third time he’s used it, I’ve shown you seven of the ten possible figures, new images every time, and he can’t even show us one of his, it’s almost like he hasn’t got any and has to go cap-in-hand to get Kent to help him fight his war, which went remarkably well for Kent back in the Summer/Autumn of last year didn’t it . . . Hee! Hee! Hee! I notice the much vaunted, hopefully stunning article of great correction, hasn’t appeared yet?

A 'rage rampage' . . . yeah, they heard me in Edinburgh, the earthquake alarms went off in Rome, Commisioner Gordon turned on the Bat-signal, women gave-birth a week early in Caracas! The hyperbole of an over-excited fuckwit.


Here’s a classic piece of Stadinger, the lecturer, lecturing us, about lecturers, it’s priceless . . . while starting another war, and with someone else . . . it’s his only MO!

“He also earned a spot on my Ebay banned bidders. The reason is I do not like lecturers. I am not upset about legitimate criticisms. People who are lecturers are so full of themselves. They think they know what they are talking about.

He is a sad figure, he cuts a sad path, and his railing against me is pointless while he’s not actually delivering better himself? Which is not to say I don’t post some shite, but if you’re publishing as much as me, the odd duff one is of no consequence? When you’re posting fuck-all, and you still get figures wrong every few posts, people are entitled to ask why you bother at all?

It took me nearly a week to even see the garbage, as I just don’t go to Shitestuff anymore, you know? Two posts in the whole of January? Nothing of interest [to me], in either of them? I’ve done forty-odd whilst working nights and learning a new role!

All he has to do is sit on his arse, and take the weight off his heart, a bit of typing would be the only exercise he gets all day! Instead he’s sitting in a slough of hate, a miasma of envy, a cloud  of self-aggrandizement, unable to properly articulate his nastiness, but doing a good job of it anyway.

And again, I make no claims for my own sainthood, I’m an intolerant, intransigent git, especially when I’m dealing with cretins like that fuckwitted moron.


Anonymous said...

When you're dead, you don't know you're dead. It's only painful for those left behind.
The same goes for stupid......and man he is stupid!

Hugh Walter said...

You do wonder what goes through his brain, and I know I shouldn't react the way I do, but we did discover back in 2017-18, that if I ignore him he gets worse, because he thinks he's getting away with it. I notice he also talks about the left-hand figure when he meant the right, he can't spell, he can't count and he doesn't know his left from his right.

But, equally, I always say to these comments, not to get involved, it's my fight, and the fewer people who get involved the fewer will suffer the ridicule Kent faced in August/Sept.

Indeed, there's an element of goldfish brain there isn't there, they got burnt then, and six-months later, he's forgotten how badly they performed on that occasion, and comes back for more!


Gisby said...

Just a note - That Roman/Greek is not accurate as either. But the greaves lean him towards Greek. (Roman/Italian greaves were different)

Hugh Walter said...

No Gisby, he's an Etrusco-Attic Heinz 57 jobbie, isn't he? A Flouncer from Flounce!