I should have posted this ages ago, and I've probably opened the file, or scrolled past/through it in Picasa dozens of times, but it is a fact that of the 7, 8, probably 900-odd folders in the long queue, I do have a tendency to faff, to procrastinate or to find some subconscious fault that keeps whatever it is, in the queue, rather than getting it on the Blog!
Anyway here it is, and it's not a follow-up to the dinosaurs the other day, but to whatever I posted last time, which was I think the previous summer's Fleet 'thing' posted late, and was spotted in the wild, the other side of the pond by Brian Berke. And at some personal risk to himself, as Hippo's kill more humans than any other animals, every year (except Man, of course), but this one looks pretty harmless!
Heehee! Isn't it brilliant! It's a plastic figure, guys & girls, if you collect Marx Disney or Cherilea Diddy Men, you can't get sniffy about a seven-foot hippo in a tutu! Very atmospheric photographs as well. If I had a tenth, nay, a hundredth of Elon Musk's money I'd have this stuff, and the dino's and the nutcrackers, and the giraffes all over my estate! Cheer Brian, sorry it took so long to post!
What I may have forgotten to mention is that it's outside the entrance to the building housing the British Consulate General in New York City.
Hahahaha! At least it wasn't a crate of tea!
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