About Me

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No Fixed Abode, Home Counties, United Kingdom
I’m a 60-year-old Aspergic gardening CAD-Monkey. Sardonic, cynical and with the political leanings of a social reformer, I’m also a toy and model figure collector, particularly interested in the history of plastics and plastic toys. Other interests are history, current affairs, modern art, and architecture, gardening and natural history. I love plain chocolate, fireworks and trees, but I don’t hug them, I do hug kittens. I hate ignorance, when it can be avoided, so I hate the 'educational' establishment and pity the millions they’ve failed with teaching-to-test and rote 'learning' and I hate the short-sighted stupidity of the entire ruling/industrial elite, with their planet destroying fascism and added “buy-one-get-one-free”. Likewise, I also have no time for fools and little time for the false crap we're all supposed to pretend we haven't noticed, or the games we're supposed to play. I will 'bite the hand that feeds', to remind it why it feeds.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

B is for Big Box! One of Two

I can't believe it's nearly forty days since I covered Jon Attwood's smaller of two parcels? The time just flies at 'our' age! Not that I can be accused of tardiness, or idleness; there have been 70-odd posts since then, but very much playing catch-up with the 'H is for' department, for the next few days, as another Sandown is flying down the tracks toward us!
This is the contents of the third parcel from Jon, which the second was taped to, and there's some lovely stuff among the chuck-outs, and everything is Greatfully received! Quick shout-out to Peter E and Brian B, they both have posts in the pipeline, which I will try to get out in the next few days, along with the last Sandown shots!

An absolute mass of Horses, I have a tub of similar stuff, but with few duplicates I can see, and while there may be some similar small ones in the mini-PVC 'toob' toy box, they come from so many sources it's impossible to find all of them!
As it happens there is a complete (I think) set of Safari mini-horses toward the centre/bottom of this shot, and I've photographed them separately as a follow-up, I had two duplicates, but they were both sufficiently different to warrant comparison images!

More obvious cavalry mounts, some well known and some less so, my pre-existing box has a lot of this kind of stuff (mostly Spanish or Italian I think, with a few Frenchies), while here we have mostly British and some new production (Accurate/Imex/Italeri types - with bases), the two green saddle-cloth horses may be Spanish, and I'd love an ID on the big black fellah, he looks American maybe?
Wild animals, and again there's useful stuff, or new to collection items here, the eraser hippo being a charmer, the large panda and a couple of the elephants had marks I think, but being as how I'm trying to vacate this place (next Friday I think?) and keep the flat tidy, everything's getting sorted and stack a bit rapidly!
Hopefully, I will go back over some of it in the weeks ahead, I know I promised to get the brands of the biggies from the small-box post, and we've seen others, so I'll plan some follow-ups once I'm kicking my heels in the flat!

Piggy-wigs! I'm sure I've said before, you can never have too many piggy-wigs, so I'll say it again! The cartoony one is definitely new to the collection, as are the three white-ones I think, but several others look to be new, it'll need a bigger sorting!
Sheep, goats and lambs, I hope to sort all the Hong Kong stuff out one day, if not brands, at least sets, but with the goats I think the task will prove impossible, someone like Blue Box or Holly copied it first (ex-Britains), and then everyone else copied it, most of them are unmarked, some of them are very poor examples, and they are all shiny-black polyethylene with a bit of white paint, but one day, I'll have a try!

A handful of cows here, and there's some very interesting stuff, with Crescent and Cherilea and some early British (Trojan/Kentoy?), with an unusual one to the front-left, which I think is Matchbox?
A couple of errant sheep one of whom probably needs three dogs to control him! Two of the dogs (left pair) are also new to the collection, while the Hong Kong 'Lassie' will need to be compared to the others against mark - sculpting - paint-colour.
The same note on goats, applies to the poultry too, ascribing them all in the future will be a nightmare, and it may well be that both poultry and goats were produced by one or two minor factors, and then bought-in by everyone else as bag/set-fillers?

However, this lot also has easier stuff to ID too, like the two creamy early British produced ones with their red-brush swipe, the PVC duck (middle left) and a couple of hollow-cast ones at the back! The flapping goose is Crescent.

Some riders for those horses at the top of the post, not sure if the Athena (Greece) ceremonial's horse was in the lot (might be in part two?), but I may have a spare somewhere. The policeman is Corgi and the race-rider is an unknown - to me - Hong Kong chappie I think, the rest are Britains production of various generations/sets.

Many thanks again to Jon, it really is all useful grist to the mill, and fun to share with the rest of you, while I'm slowly building a decent sample of the Life Guards mounted musicians! Thank you Jon.


jon attwood said...

great to see these written up, thanks.
The cheeky monkey and cartoon pig are (I think) someones homemade bits, from Fimo, Worbla or similar?
I think one of the dogs could be Safari, and the larger zoo animals AAA.
White foal with black mane (2 down 3 across in the horses pic) I seem to remember came as part of a set, either Britains or Corgi, with a bright orange horsebox, and another horse, that might be his mother in the middle of the top row.

Hugh Walter said...

Yes, I Blogged the small one when I did a corgi overview back in 2012/13? But the larger one must have been in the larger vehicle range (the smaller one was Corgi Juniors), so I'll to a close-up of the pair when we return to Corgi, I didn't know that!

I guessed the other two were probably homemade, but they are fun!

Thank you so much for all this Jon, and we will return to dogs, to cats, to big cats . . . over time it will all get a second outing, and a third when I do the A-Z entries!

But I will do a quick follow-up on some of the larger animals soon, to get the brands sorted!